Page 41 of The Pursuit

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You’re a heartbreak, and I cannot emotionally handle another heartbreak.“Look, you really don’t have to do this.”

He furrowed his brows. “Do what?”

“Complicate things.”

“Is that what I’m doing by wanting to spend a little more time with you?”

“Look. We both know what last night was.” I gave him a pointed look. “Let’s not make it into something it wasn’t.”

“I’m not sure exactly what last night was—”

“Just sex.”


“Yes,” I hissed.

“Deep down, you know it was more than just amazing sex.”

“If you say so.”

“Hmm, since you’re not convinced, we should probably see each other again.” With a wink, he added, “Both in and out of the bedroom.”

Damn him being all persistent. No, I couldn’t let myself fall. I crossed my arms over my chest. “You’re home for like what, a week?”


“And then you go back to training thousands of miles away, and we’d never see each other.”

“Man, if only we lived in a technological world where we could talk to each other over a video call, or even get on a big flying contraption that would take us quickly back and forth.”

“Ha, ha.”

“It could work. We just have to try.”

As I stared into his deep blue eyes, I wanted more than anything to believe him. But I was far too much a relationship realist. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

Noah’s expression saddened. “Can’t or won’t?”

I shook my head. “I really like you, and I had a really good time with you. But the distance between us coupled with your ways…” I took my hands out of his. “Regardless of how much I like you, I like myself more, and I don’t want to get hurt.”

As I felt the tears rising in my throat, I grabbed my purse and hurried for the door. The last thing I wanted was Noah to see me cry. Once I was the door, I started sprinting down the hallway. For the second time in forty-eight hours, I wanted to put as much distance between Noah and me as possible.

Chapter Nine: Noah

After Gaby rushed out of the room, I remained motionless in the bed. I don’t know how long I just sat there, staring at the door. Straining my ears, I hoped to hear a knock—one that meant Gaby had returned to say she’d changed her mind.

Normally, when a girl walked out on me after sex, I would’ve said fuck that and gone about my day. I would’ve chalked it up to her loss without any hurt to my ego, least of all my heart. But this was different.

Shewas different.

It didn’t matter that we’d spent a mere thirty-six hours together. It was what transpired during our time together that truly mattered. It had been a long time since I’d wanted to pursue a girl, and I’d never found myself in my current situation where the girl didn’t want to be pursued.

Fuck me, this sucked.

When my phone buzzed on the nightstand, I dove over to retrieve it. Unfortunately, it was my dad and not Gaby.

Meet me for breakfast?
