Page 67 of The Pursuit

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“I think that had more to do with the hands that prepared it than it did with the recipe itself,” I argued.

“And how those hands were attached to an extremely handsome, yet incredibly arrogant man?” Gaby teased.

“Pretty much.”

“Like father, like son, huh?”


As she laughed, the sound reverberated through me, filling me with a happiness I didn’t know I’d been missing. I shouldn’t have liked the feeling. I should’ve railed against it. But instead, I found myself welcoming it. More than anything, I didn’t want it to end. Not tonight. Not…when I left.Would she want things to continue after I left?

In spite of everything going on in my life, there was nothing better than sitting in my parents’ kitchen eating and listening to Gaby’s laugh, especially when it was at my expense.

Fuck me. I was in way too deep and way too soon.

Chapter Thirteen: Gaby

Noah Fitzgerald was a serious triple threat. With his looks and athleticism, I had no idea he harbored any talent for cooking, but he did. He could’ve put the scampi at my grandfather’s restaurant to shame. To prove to him just how good it was, I ate two heaping platefuls. When I was done, I might’ve felt like some overstuffed cannelloni, but it was worth it to see the look of pride and happiness on Noah’s gorgeous face.

Once we were finished, Noah jerked his thumb at the back staircase. “I gotta go change.”

I nodded. “While you do that, I’ll clean up.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“After you cooked, it’s the least I can do.”

He smiled. “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

As he climbed the stairs, I got busy clearing out plates. Noah’s mom had a pretty organized kitchen so it was easy to find the cleaning supplies, not to mention a bowl for the leftovers. I was just finishing washing up when Noah reappeared.

I tore my gaze from the sudsy water over to him. I cocked my brows at the sight of the long spandex-like swimming trunks that came mid-way down his thigh. “No speedo?” I questioned with disappointment.

Noah chuckled. “Like I told you before, jammers are the preferred swimwear now.”

“How sad,” I mused with a smile.

With his signature smirk, Noah replied, “Babe, I can’t imagine the allure considering you’ve seen, touched, and sucked everything that would be in my speedo.”

I tossed the drying towel at him, smacking him in the face. “Once again, you have such a way with words.”

He chuckled as he handed me back the towel. “It’s the truth, isn’t it?”

I shook my head. “Think about everything you’ve done to my body—” His painful groan interrupted me. “Let me finish.”


“In spite of all that, you’d still appreciate seeing me in some sexy lingerie, right?”

“Damn straight.”

“It’s all about presentation. And for me, the speedo was presentation.”

“I get it.”

Drawing my eyes down his body, I took in the second skin fitting of the jammer. It didn’t leave a lot to the imagination in his junk area. “Although on second glance, this isn’t too shabby.”

With another groan, Noah replied, “You’re killing me, Gaby. A slow, painful death of blue balls.”
