Page 95 of The Pursuit

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“Thanks,” I replied, as I twisted open the cap.

“No problem.”

After sucking down a cold gulp, I eyed Bella curiously. “I think I need your help.”

“I already told you that the best present you could get Gaby would be you.”

With a chuckle, I replied, “No. It’s more about the fact I’ve never been to a Mexican birthday party. I wanted to know what I should expect, so I don’t make a fool out of myself and embarrass Gaby.”

Bella smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you covered.” After putting her water down, she rose out of her chair again. “First off, you want to kiss on the right cheek, and say, ‘Mucho gusto.’” Bella motioned between us. “Here, you can practice on me.”

“I know we’re not officially together anymore, but I’m still sure your sister wouldn’t appreciate me kissing you.”

Bella laughed. “You’re not kissing me on the lips. It’s just a way to show hospitality in Mexico.”

Somehow, I still thought Gaby wouldn’t like me showing Bella any hospitality. Sure, I’d danced with her at the bar, but that had been Gaby’s suggestion. Besides Bella being off limits, I was pretty sure she wouldn’t want me kissing any semi attractive woman who she might construe as a threat. “I dunno,” I replied warily.

“Babe, let Noah practice on you,” Mia suggested.

Oh fuck me. What was Mia thinking suggesting the two of us kiss each other? At the sour expression on AJ’s face, Mia might as well have volunteered him for a colonoscopy. Quickly, I shook my head. “That’s not necessary. I think I have it.”

With amusement twinkling in Mia’s eyes, she shook her head. “AJ is happy to help.” Tilting her head at him, she asked, “Aren’t you, babe?”

I guess he was afraid of getting nailed in the balls with her purse again because he grumbled, “Whatever,” before rising to his feet. He then stared me down through hooded lids as if daring me to even go through with it.

It was at that moment that realized how far a man was willing to go for the woman he loved. Oh shit. Did I say love?

Do I love Gaby?

On the one hand, I knew it was way too fast, right? At the same time, thinking of loving her felt right, which also meant I was in a hell of a lot of trouble.

“What’s the problem?” AJ demanded, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Right.” Leaning in, I brought my lips to AJ’s right cheek. The moment I felt his skin on my lips, I jerked away. “Mucho gusto,” I muttered.

“Your turn,” Mia instructed AJ.

“Amorcito Mio, you’re killing me.”

Mia shot AJ a sickeningly sweet smile. “Oh, you only think it’s bad now. Just wait until you sleep alone this entire trip.”

Grabbing me by the shoulders a little harder than he had to, AJ leaned in to kiss my cheek. “Mucho gusto,” he spat.

Yeah, I wassonot feeling welcomed. “Thanks,” I muttered before I turned back to Bella. “What else do I need to know?” This time I was a lot less enthusiastic when I asked. Mainly it was out of fear of having to do anything else to AJ.

Bella must’ve picked up on my apprehension because she gave me a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Noah. Just the fact you’re showing up for Gaby will make you the hero of the party.”

At AJ’s contemptuous snort, something turned over in me. Maybe it was the change of altitude.

As I sat there with a sheen of sweat popping out along my forehead, I realized I had two choices. I could continue to take the abuse from AJ because I believed in some way I deserved it for my past, or I could stand up to him. Apparently, my balls felt bigger over Mexico because I went with the second choice.

“AJ, I need to say something.”

He jerked his gaze from his phone. “And what is that?”

Oh shit. This was it. Now or never time. Rising out of my seat, I went over to stand in front of him. I couldn’t help noticing the apprehensive looks Mia and Bella were throwing me.

“You’ve made it pretty apparent you hate my guts, and I can totally understand why. We didn’t have the best reintroduction with what happened with Gaby and me in the elevator. I’m not a father yet, so I can only imagine how it made you feel to see your daughter like that. I apologized then, and I’m apologizing again now.”
