Page 96 of The Pursuit

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When he opened his mouth, I held up my hand. “Please let me finish.”

AJ crossed his arms over his chest. “Continue.”

“It’s no secret that before Gaby I had a bad reputation with women. It was the reason she initially didn’t want to date me after we slept together after the reception—”

AJ’s dark eyes popped wide. “You have got to be fucking kidding me.”

Realizing my mistake, I grimaced. “Shit, I really didn’t mean to tell you that.”

“I sure as hell hope not.”

“Anyway, what I meant to say is that I pursued Gaby, so she could see there was more to me than just a—”

“Manwhoring player who broke women’s hearts?” AJ suggested.

Both Mia and Bella gasped in horror, but I ignored them. “Yes, I suppose that would be a good description of me.” I swallowed hard. “Or at least my former self. Here’s the thing. Being with Gaby those two days showed me she was just as beautiful on the inside as she was the outside. There was so much to like about her that didn’t pertain to sex—her humor, the way she always put me in my place, and the way I could be myself when I’m with her.”

With AJ’s eyes narrowing on me, I shifted on my feet. “The main point of all of this is I really like your daughter. I was an idiot to let her go, and I’m going to do everything within my power to make sure she never leaves again. Trust me when I say I’m in for the long haul. Each and every day I’m going to try to be worthy of the woman she is. More than anything, I’d really like for you to be onboard with our relationship.”

“Is that right?”

I nodded. “But at the same time, the way you’re treating me has to stop. I won’t let you disrespect her by disrespecting me anymore.”

A low whistle came from three seats behind AJ. Alex had taken out his ear pods and apparently heard all of our conversation along with his mom and sister. I wanted to shoot him afuck offlook, but he raised his fist. “Well said, Noah.”

I flashed him a quick smile before focusing back on his dad. AJ remained stone-cold silent. When he rose out of his seat, I braced myself for him to punch me. Instead, he reached out his hand. My shocked gaze bobbed from it back to him.


“For what?”

“For putting me in my well-deserved place.”

Holy shit. “That wasn’t what I intended.”

“I know. But I needed it. I’ve been a nasty son of a bitch.”

“You can say that again,” Mia remarked.

After shooting Mia a look, AJ focused back on me. “Once again, I’m sorry. No one gives you a manual on how to raise your young adult daughters.” He shook his head. “But that’s still no excuse for the way I’ve treated you, especially since you’ve been nothing but honorable towards Gaby.”

“Thank you.” Cocking my brows, I asked, “So, we’re cool now?”

“As long as you don’t break her heart, I won’t break your legs.”

“I thought you had people you could call to do that,” I countered with a laugh.

AJ flashed me a toothy grin. “Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?”

“Touché,” I replied.

“There is one thing Bella forgot to mention when it comes to a Mexican party.”

“Pin the Tail on the Gringo?” I suggested.

AJ laughed. “No, smart-ass. I’m talking about the dancing.”

With a groan, I buried my head in my hands. “Fuck me. Not dancing,” I muttered.

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