Page 16 of Whipped Up

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“You want to run it with me?”

“If you’ll have me.”

Mason breaks into a smile so sweet and warm and loving that my heart feels like it’s going to burst right out of my chest. And in that moment I can so clearly see our whole future together: getting the bakery up and running, making a life and a home together, raising our kids, growing old together. I’ve always known that Mason would be a part of my life forever, but to know that he’s going to be my best friendandmy business partnerandmy husbandandthe father of my children feels pretty damn incredible.

“Of course I’ll have you,” I say, wrapping my arms around my man. He squeezes me tight as he lowers his lips to mine and seals our future with a kiss.



Snow is slowly falling from the sky as I check my watch, trying to decide how much longer I should wait before texting Wyatt and asking where he is. One more minute, I decide. One minute and then I’m going to ping him.

But just as I decide that, he comes walking around the corner.

“Hey,” he says, nodding hello as he approaches. “Ready to do this?”

“Completely,” I say, grinning.

The two of us head into the jewelry store and the woman who’s working today comes over to greet us.

“Good morning,” she says cheerfully. “How can I help you two today?”

Wyatt and I glance at each other, then both laugh. I know we’re both thinking the same thing—it’s nuts that we’re here right now.

“My brother and I are both looking for engagement rings,” Wyatt tells the woman.

“Oh!” she says. “How exciting. Why don’t you each tell me a little bit about who you’re going to propose to? For instance, do you already have an idea of what style of ring they would like?”

I smile. “Yep. I know Haley’s tastes inside and out. I’d like to get her something understated, yet gorgeous. Something that feels comfortable and timeless, but that is really beautiful, too, especially the longer you look at it. What about you, Wyatt?”

“Well, if I’m being honest, Macy and I are still getting to know a lot of things about each other,” he says. “But I’m pretty confident that she’d like a unique ring. And definitely as sparkly as possible.”

The woman nods. “That’s helpful. Okay. Let me gather up a few options and we’ll see what you two think about them, okay? I’ll be right back.”

As Wyatt and I wait, I take a moment to once again think about how amazing it is that the two of us are here today. When I suggested the pact to my brothers, I never would have guessed that a few weeks in, two of us would already have marriage on our minds. But I’m grateful for it. I hope all four of us Reynolds boys end up happily married someday.

“Do you know if Chase or Sean have their eyes on anyone?” I ask Wyatt.

My brother shrugs. “I mean, I’ve always been convinced that Chase has a thing for his tenant, but I’m not about to say that to his face.”

“She’s a little young for him, isn’t she?” I ask.

Wyatt crooks an eyebrow at me. “You’re making that comment to the wrong guy, Mase.”

I laugh. I keep forgetting about the age gap between Wyatt and Macy. I guess that’s what happens when two people get together who actually seem right for each other. “Sorry. Forget I said that.”

“His tenant isn’t that young, anyway,” Wyatt adds. “I think he said she’s twenty-five. Chase is thirty-seven.”

“Right,” I say. “Huh. Well, who knows? Maybe she’s the one.”

“Stranger things have happened.” Wyatt glances away. “Here come the rings. Yousureyou’re ready, man?”

“So ready. You?”

“Absolutely,” he says.

* * *
