Page 41 of Most Of You

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“What’s cupid?”

“A little baby angel that wears a diaper and shoots love arrows into people’s asses,” Renzo said.

Matty sucked in a breath. “Swear jar!”

“Later. I’m glad he was nice to you.”

Matty’s expression went from teasing to soft, and he nodded, picking at the roasted green beans on his plate. “He was a lot nicer than John. John was nice, but it was really pretend. He said all those good things, but his tone was like a bad guy from the movies.”

Matty had told him that too, but Renzo just thought his brother was jealous that someone else was getting his time. Fuck, there was so much to regret. But he knew that wasn’t why Matty was telling him all of this.

“Maybe I should call him.”

Matty’s eyes went wide with excitement. “Can he come over? Can he have a sleepover? Milla won’t mind, I promise.”

“Oh, you and I both know she will. And we both know you’ll spill the beans, and she’ll yell at me,” Renzo said, but he was grinning now.

“I’ll zip it,” Matty said, making a closing motion over his lips. “Please pleaseeeee.”

Renzo drummed his fingers on the table, making a big show of thinking, but in all honesty, his resolve was starting to crack. Maybe he wasn’t ready for big steps, but they’d already fucked. They’d already crossed lines. “We could invite him over for New Year’s Eve.”

Matty jumped up, almost knocking over what was left in his cup. “I could make bibble!”

“Gross. But okay,” Renzo said. “I’m not promising anything though. He might have plans.”

“He doesn’t,” Matty said.

Renzo swallowed heavily. “He told you that?”

Matty shook his head. “He looked lonely. Lonely people don’t have plans.”

And hell if that didn’t stab him in the heart because he’d seen Emil’s eyes and knew that was absolutely true.

* * *

Renzo’s heart felt like it was trying to escape his chest by crawling up his throat as he held his finger over Emil’s contact. He could remember exactly what the man sounded like. His laugh, his scoff, and the sounds he made when Renzo pulled an orgasm out of him. And fuck, he wanted a repeat so badly he could taste it.

But he felt a little like a coward because before, it had been fucking the hot stranger with sad eyes. Now, he liked the guy. And that’s how problems started.

He’d made a promise to Matty though, and Renzo wasn’t in a habit of breaking those, so he shrugged on his thickest hoodie and bolted down the stairs, slamming the patio door and leaning over the railing.

The frigid night air would at least keep him distracted and probably stop him from getting all hard when he heard Emil’s voice, which would have to be enough for now. His fingers felt half-numb as he turned his phone screen on again and finally tapped his thumb over Emil’s name.

There was silence for a long time, like the phone signal was deliberately trying to fuck with him, and then finally, it connected with a hollow ring.


His breath caught in his chest, and it took him a second to speak. “Yeah. Hey. Hi.”

Emil laughed, the sound kind of thick and sleepy. “Hi.”

“Oh my God, did I wake you up?”

“Mm, yep,” Emil said, then groaned, and Renzo assumed he was stretching his gorgeous, lithe body. “And I actually appreciate that. I was only supposed to be resting my eyes.”

“That’s the literal oldest excuse in the book for a nap,” Renzo said.

“Mhm,” Emil rumbled. “That’s why I had so many detentions in school.”
