Page 83 of Most Of You

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Emil’s eyes slammed shut, and pleasure erupted from every atom of his body. He was immediately disobedient, his hips fucking forward, but Renzo didn’t seem to mind. He gripped Emil by the hips and urged him on until he was spent. Every drop had been swallowed, and in the haze of his postorgasm bliss, he felt Renzo pull off and press wet, warm kisses to the insides of his thighs.

Emil quickly gathered himself as he came to, and he looked down, reaching for Renzo with trembling fingers. “You…I want…” He couldn’t form words quite yet, but Renzo just laughed softly and climbed to his feet, quickly straddling Emil’s spread legs.

“Like this,” Renzo murmured, his voice thick and lips puffy. He took Emil’s hand and curled it around his rock-hard dick, guiding him in fast, tight strokes. “Just like this,” he repeated behind a groan.

His hips began to move, his ass rocking over Emil’s thighs, and if he hadn’t been so spent, he might have been ready to go again. His dick gave a valiant twitch as he looked down to see his own hand flying over Renzo’s gorgeous cock, and he felt warmth in his chest when Renzo moaned, then tipped his head forward.

Renzo’s dick pulsed once, then twice, then spilled hot ropes over Emil’s knuckles. He let out a long, deep groan as he dug teeth into the top of Emil’s shoulder, his body trembling with the aftershocks. His breath came in stuttered gasps, and Emil quickly ran a hand up and down his spine until his breathing began to even out.

“You feel so good,” Renzo murmured, kissing the spot he’d bitten. “I don’t know how it’s so good every time.”

Emil closed his eyes and basked for a long moment. Renzo was so warm and fit so damn perfectly on his lap. He never wanted to let go. He stroked his fingers up and down Renzo’s sides with just enough pressure not to tickle him.

Renzo let out a soft, happy moan and nuzzled into Emil’s neck. “I love you.”

Emil froze. The words had risen and died on his tongue so many times out of fear that it would send Renzo running. Emil had struggled to believe he was capable of loving—and capable of being loved—but he knew Renzo had been hurt by someone who used his love to control him.

He would have rather kept his feelings to himself for the rest of his life than risk losing this man.

So hearing it now—the quiet, whispered words against his skin—it was almost too much.

“I’m sorry,” Renzo said quickly. He started to pull back, but Emil clung on, desperate and panicked.

“Don’t. Please…please don’t.” He took a breath, then carefully leaned back so he could look into Renzo’s eyes. He could tell his lover was half-panicked, and he needed to make it right. “I’ve been falling in love with you since you sat down beside me in front of a fire where I was trying to burn out the most painful pieces of my past. You gave me something that night no one ever has.” He reached up, cupping Renzo’s cheek. “You gave me something no one else ever could.”

“I’m not sure—” Renzo started, but Emil pressed a finger to his lips.

“Please trust me on this, okay? I know I don’t have the most experience in the world with loving someone. And I know I’m the last person in the world who should speak on matters of the heart. But believe me when I tell you that it’s the truth. If it’s not you, Renzo, it’s no one.”

Renzo closed his eyes in a long, slow blink, then leaned in and kissed Emil. Their tongues danced together, a slow push-pull that Emil wanted to lose himself in forever. They broke apart with soft pecks, Renzo gently nuzzling their noses together.

“Thank you for loving me. Thank you for wanting me.”

“Thank you for giving me most of you,” Emil said.

Renzo pulled back, shaking his head. “All of me, gorgeous. You have literally all of me. I keep telling myself to be careful, to be more afraid, but I don’t need to be. It was never like this with anyone before you.”

Emil smiled and leaned up for another kiss. “I know what you mean. I still have a lot of work to do, but I trust myself now, and I never thought I would.”

“I love you,” Renzo whispered again, then carefully slid off Emil’s lap and held a hand out for him. “I’m sorry we have to stop short and go hang with Matty, but?—”

Emil tugged him close, stopping his words. “Never apologize for him. I love him too. He’s part of you. This is everything I’ve ever wanted in a family, okay?”

Renzo said nothing, and Emil could tell he was overwhelmed, so he stayed quiet and let the silence comfort them both as they got dressed and moved back out into the main area of the suite. He froze when he realized Matty was awake, staring up at the ceiling, blinking slowly.

“Hey, bud. Been up long?” Renzo asked.

Matty yawned, his jaw cracking, and he shook his head. “No. I beat my alarm.”

Renzo laughed as he reached for his brother’s phone to stop it before it started. “Sure did. It’s a New Year’s miracle.”

Matty groaned as he stretched, then climbed to his feet and looked out the window. The cityscape was gorgeous—lit up bright and twinkling with lights that Emil had seen for years upon years, but he’d never appreciated them before. Not like this.

Emil moved up next to him, and when Matty leaned into him, Emil put an arm around his shoulders. “Love you, bud.”

Matty looked up at him with wide eyes. “You do? Like a brother?”

“Yes,” Emil told him.
