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There’s no lock on the lobby door, which I don’t like under the current circumstances. The dim lights cast an ugly yellow hue across its ordinary light beige floors and dark beige walls. The grid of silver mailboxes is directly across from a hallway holding three apartments. There’s another hallway in front of me beside the elevator.

A glance over my shoulder at the mailbox shows the names of the tenants on each. It’s convenient, but I don’t like it. After ripping Raina Olsen’s name off her mailbox, I head toward her apartment. I don’t want to wake her, and instead of ringing the bell, I test the doorknob to make sure the lock is still intact.

The door doesn’t budge, which makes me feel slightly better. I want to get my eyes on her. The windows to her apartment are around the back of the building from what I remember. It only takes me a few minutes to make my way around the side of the building.

My eyes continue to drift to the fence line separating the building’s property from the houses behind it and beside it. Street lamps towering nearly a hundred feet above the ground cast shadows, but I don’t see any movement.

By the time I circle to the back of the building and stop in front of Raina’s window, my heart is racing. The idea of catching a glimpse of her asleep has my mouth watering, forgetting that the reason I’m here is to make sure she’s safe. I can’t let my own urges get in my way.

This isn’t the first time I’m letting myself into her apartment. Raina has a knack for locking herself out, and I’m always around for her. It’s a chink in Owen’s armor that he’s more of a financier than a father to Raina. As his friend, I can count the number of times I’ve encouraged him to try harder, but some things are out of my control.

Instead of beating a dead horse, I show up whenever he can't, which is far more often than I like. Yet, in those moments where I come through for Raina, it makes me see that I care about her as a woman who needs me, who wants me.

The window to her living room is open about two inches, with the curtains swaying from the night’s breeze. There aren’t any bars on the window, and I test it like the doorknob. It’s easy to push up and gives me enough space to crawl inside. There isn’t anything in front of the window either.

There’s carpet covering the floor but stops at the edge of the hallway and before the small open kitchen. The boards creak under my steps, but the rug muffles the noise. Every step around her home feels like I’m too big to be in the space.

There’s the scent of something sweet—vanilla and cinnamon—luring me down the hallway. The soft light of flames flickering brings me toward Raina’s bedroom, stopping just outside the doorway. I watch her, losing myself in a fantasy where I belong here in the middle of the night.

The bed takes up a good portion of the back wall of the room. There’s a dresser and TV stand in front of it. I can picture us in bed together watching a scary movie where she moves against me after something frightens her.

The closet, directly across from me, has a door that looks slightly off its hinge. I move into the room to check it out. The only things inside are clothes and shoes. Fixing the door is now on my list of things to do.

The flame of a candle dancing on her dresser makes the subtle golden glow soothing and comforting. A breeze sneaks in through another window with no bars. There aren’t any deterrents to stop people from coming inside.

Raina sleeps heavily, her bare chest rising and falling with every breath. The blanket slips down to reveal her nipple. Jesus. Blood rushes directly to my cock when I have to adjust the tightening around my crotch. Fuck me, she’s beautiful.

Silky blonde strands come together in a braid that falls over her shoulder. I want to wrap that braid around my hand while I pump into her sweet cunt mercilessly. My fantasies about this little girl are getting out of hand and in the way of why I’m here.

“Rex?” Raina murmurs and my heart stops.

How does she know I’m here? A closer look shows she’s still asleep, and I let out a sigh of relief. I take a few steps toward her, trying to keep my steps light. I want to pull the blanket over her and make sure the windows are locked.

I wait a moment to see if she’s still talking in her sleep. When she doesn’t say anything else, I walk over to the windows, draw the curtains shut, and make sure the locks are in place. A part of me wants motion detectors on these things too.

Raina moans and turns onto her side, facing away from me, and thankfully so. There’s a side of me that’s not sure how I can stay away. I want her to sleep and don’t want her to worry about the danger of Owen’s situation. I need to get out of here before she wakes up.

As soon as that thought crosses my mind, three heavy thuds on the front door crash through the quietness of the night. Raina stirs and groans with frustration.

“No,” she mumbles and buries her head under her pillow.

The person at her front door isn’t giving up. As a matter of fact, they’re knocking even harder. Raina snarls as she snatches the blanket from off her body. She’s about a foot shorter than me at 5 feet tall. Her tight little ass looks like it will sit perfectly in my hand. When she turns around, I get a glimpse of that delicate pussy, covered in a trim triangle of light brown hair.

“Holy shit!” She shrieks once she lays eyes on me, clutching herself across her tits and over her the apex between her thighs.

“RAINA!” The voice at the front door yells from the other side.

“Rex?” Confusion comes through first before relief washes over her. She drops her hands and storms out of the room and into the bathroom. She comes back with a robe on.

The guy at the front door knocks frantically again, still shouting. “Raina, open up. There’s a weird man in your apartment. Raina!”

“Stay here. I’m going to get that,” I tell her and make my way out of her room.

She doesn’t stay, deciding to follow me and turning on the living room lights. “Rex, what the hell are you doing here? Do you have any idea what time it is?”

However, before I can answer her, a key is put into her door, and turns.

