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Sage and leather are the scents that hit me first any time Rex is nearby.

I’m not sure if it’s his soap or cologne, or if his skin just pushes the scent out like a pheromone. It’s not a shock that I’d dream about him. He smells so close and I call out to him, but sleep still holds me close.

The banging on my door forces my eyes open before I can have my way with the Rex of my dreams. Only when I get up to stop the incessant noisemaker do I turn around to see him standing by my bed.

Fear hits me before I realize it’s Rex, and the banging on the door isn’t stopping. After I throw on a robe to answer the door, I want to know what he’s doing here. However, the sound of keys unlocking my front door makes my heart stop. Rex points for me to get back and sit on my couch. I obey him this time.

I sit down and the door swings open with Drew, my building super, rushing inside and crashing into Rex’s broad chest. Drew’s about an inch taller than Rex, but they’re around the same build. It becomes clear quickly who’s the strongest of the two.

Rex wraps his massive hands around Drew’s shoulders, whipping him around to slam him against the back of the door he just came through.

“What have you done with Raina?” Drew asks.

“Why did you let yourself into her apartment?” Rex answers his question with one of his own.

Drew tries to shake himself loose to no avail. “Let go of me. I’ve already called the police.”

“That’s a lie. They would be here with you if you did that. Why did you let yourself inside of this young woman’s apartment in the middle of the night?”

“You came in here first,” Drew spits with nervous energy running through every syllable.

“Everything is fine, Drew,” I tell him, getting up from the couch once I see it’s just the super. “Rex is a friend.”

“Just a friend?” Rex quips with a raised eyebrow. His dark brown eyes are looking at me as if he can see through my robe. I clutch it tighter and turn to look at Drew. The corner of Rex’s mouth turns up in a cocky grin as he also faces Drew, telling him, “Raina is fine. I was invited, and you were not.”

“Raina?” Drew asks, hoping for me to say something to the contrary.

I nod. “I’m okay, Drew. You’re not supposed to use that key if there isn’t an emergency.”

“I know, but I saw the security camera. It showed him climbing through the window,” Drew says in his own defense.

It bothers me. I shake my head. “So instead of calling my phone or the police, you decide to use the master key to let yourself inside my apartment?”

Drew stutters. “I’m sorry, Raina. It’s just that I know you don’t see anybody and–”

“You need to leave. I’m fine, and Rex is actually more than a friend. He’s my…uh…man.” My words are clunky and I barely believe them.

Rex sets Drew on his feet as my super’s gaze shifts between the two of us, waiting for further explanation.

More lies spill from my mouth. “I told Rex to stop by and I wasn’t answering my phone or the door. He’s helped me get in here when I’ve locked myself out, so he knows I don’t mind if he pops in through that window.”

“You can call me anytime, Raina, if you get locked out,” Drew says.

“I can see why she doesn’t.” Rex grimaces. “You just help yourself to come in here whenever you feel like it. She’s never going to call you because I show up for her. I’m here now.”

Rex takes a step away from Drew and wraps his massive arm around my back. It forces me to let go of my robe, which falls open slightly. Rex moves me effortlessly, turning me to face him as he dips his head to kiss me. The gesture cements my lies as truth.

His kiss is possessive. Husky breathing mixes with low groans as I lean into the moment, letting his tongue invade my mouth, claiming, capturing, and savoring the taste of our lips together. Rex pulls away from the kiss, leaving me wanting more and forgetting that Drew is still here.

Rex keeps my body against him as he speaks to Drew. “You should remember that the next time you decide to use that key for personal reasons, I’m going to be standing on the other side of this door. Raina belongs to me.”

Rex affirms his statement by palming my ass through the back of my robe. I can feel his fingers teasing the split between my legs, forcing my eyes to widen with the sensation.

Drew’s voice is timid as he speaks. “You both have my apologies. It won’t happen again. Goodnight, Raina.”

The sound of the door opening and closing lets me breathe and attempt to step away from Rex. Now that we’re alone, there’s no reason for us to keep up the facade, but I want to pick up where that kiss left off. However, the lust building inside of me has to wait because there’s a very important question Rex has to answer.
