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I pull away from Rex, his hand lingering on my ass longer than necessary as I go to lock the door.

“What are you doing here, Rex?” I ask him, going into the kitchen. I’m desperate to distract myself from the way he makes me feel. There’s an anticipation of what can happen. He’s a man in my apartment in the middle of the night.

He follows me to the kitchen, his size swallowing me in the open space. There’s barely enough space between my slim dining table that only seats two and the counter where I sit an empty glass I’ve pulled from the cabinet. Rex approaches me, his presence dominating and strong. I want him to kiss me. Forget answering questions.

He takes the lapels of my robe, holding it open for a moment, dragging his gaze up and down my body before sliding the robe back in place to cover me.

“You shouldn’t answer the door like that,” he says.

I shrug. “I wasn’t. I was going to yell from this side of it that I was fine and go back to bed.”

Rex hooks a finger under my chin, tilting my face to look into his eyes. “Well, let’s get you back to bed.”

He steps back for me to head to my bedroom. I can feel him following me. If it was anyone else, I’d be worried, frightened even, but Rex is always there for me. I know he has a good reason for breaking into my apartment.

Inside my room, I flick the light on and toss my robe onto the closet door. Rex Remington is standing in my bedroom like a damn supermodel. I want him to take me, kiss me, put me to bed in more ways than one.

His round shoulders and chiseled chest can’t hide under the thin black shirt he’s wearing. Denim and leather boots round out his look where he’s a lawyer by day and this fine specimen of manliness by night. Manliness that affects me as I watch a noticeable shift near the crotch of his jeans. I wonder what he must look like under the clothes, as I’ve never seen a man’s body so up close and personal.

“Are you going to tell me why you’re sneaking around my house at nearly one in the morning?” I ask him, slipping into the bed. I don’t lie down, but I use the blanket to cover the lower half of my body, bringing my knees up to my chest for me to rest my hands and chin on them.

“Owen’s in a bad spot.”

I shrug at the sound of my sperm donor’s name. “Owen’s always in a bad spot. It’s a shame he can’t just pay for his problems to go away. That’s his go-to method for problem-solving.”

Rex chuckles. “I know. There’s never been a problem Owen couldn't solve by emptying a bank account. He just wanted to be sure you were safe. The guy that put him in the hospital is still on the loose and he can come here to try and intimidate you once he realizes Owen’s going into witness protection.”

“Wait a minute.” I hold my hands up. “When did this happen? Last I spoke to him, he was going to the hospital and thinking about taking some time off work.”

“Tonight, I’m guessing. I got off the phone with him around midnight and told him I’d look after you, keep you safe. Speaking of which, you were supposed to move the couch or chair in front of the living room window.”

I’m not in any mood for another one of Rex’s lectures on staying safe while living alone. “I was going to, but I didn’t like the way any of it looked. I’m fine, Rex. Really. Thank you for coming by to check on me. You should probably go. It’s not like Drew believes you’re my boyfriend or anything.”

Rex’s face takes on a serious expression, almost like what I’m saying is insulting to him. The bass in his voice is deep enough to make me want to press my ear against his chest to hear and feel the vibrations of his words.

“Why doesn’t he believe I’m your man?” Rex asks.

“Drew is 80% decent guy, 20% awkward, and 100% friendzoned. It makes it easy to call on him for things I need around this apartment–”

“Like fixing this closet door?” Rex asks, taking a step closer to the closet door with a loose hinge. The way his eyebrow raises tells me he’s already trying to determine what he needs to fix it.

He’s constantly coming to my rescue. I don’t want it to be any other way.

“Yes, especially like fixing the door. He came to see what he needed to sort that hinge out and ended up asking me about my dating life. In full friendzone mode, I told him I wasn’t interested in dating because I’m a virgin. Yet, here you are, barely a week after that conversation. I’m making up crazy lies about a sex life I don’t have. Spilling secret sex fantasies to my super and Owen’s best friend.”



“Secret sex fantasies of a virgin,” I say the words low, but Raina hears me and I swear she blushes. But now, curiosity has me by the balls. I pull off my shirt and set it on the dresser beside the TV.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she asks.

“I’m staying the night, just in case. Between the guy that’s after Owen and your super abusing his power with that key, I’m going to stay so he can see me leave in the morning. I need him and everyone else in this building to know that there’s a man they have to contend with behind that front door.”

Raina leans back, propping herself on her elbows. Her tits are staring at me, soft milky skin with nipples a few shades darker than her supple pink lips. Those lips call to me, but I’m not here to fulfill my fantasy.

“This is stupid.” She grunts and lets her elbows drop from underneath her. Raina leans back and uses a pillow to cover her face as she says, “I’m so sorry, Rex.”
