Page 134 of A Realm of Dark Fury

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There was an eruption of sound on the other side of the door, guards yelling and banging on the door.

I kissed Rook tenderly. “You need to go.”

“I won’t.” He held me to him. “My oath, princess, have you forgotten it?”

“Please.” I nuzzled into his neck, one last time, breathing him in, bidding a silent farewell to the other half of me. “I need you to live.”

“And I need you,” he murmured as the thudding against the door grew louder. “How am I meant to go on without you?”

I clung on to him. “Think of that beach, the turquoise water, the twin moons rising above us. Think of me, and I will meet you there.” I pulled back and looked into his eyes. “In our dreams, I will meet you there. In that place where we will wake up together every morning.”

Rook’s face crumpled. “Elara,no.”

They were trying to break down the door, the loud rhythmic beating of an ax tearing through the wood. Rook let out a heavy breath through gritted teeth.

“I will save you,” he said, “I will. One way or another. I will take you home.” I began to sob louder, and he pressed a kiss against my quivering lips. “I love you. And I will love you for all eternity.”

The door splintered and swung open, a flurry of guards rushing into the room. I cried out as they seized Rook, dragging him from the room, his eyes staying on me.

“I swear it,” he said over the guards shouts, “I swear to you, my love.”

I fell over the side of the tub, wailing as the sound of the guards drifted away down the passageway. Drusilla hovered near the doorway, but her shoulders fell in defeat and she turned away, back into the bedchamber.

I stayed in the water until the cold bit into my skin. All I could feel was the hollow thump of Rook’s anguish, anchored in the center of my chest. My fingers still burned with the feeling of him, that last touch forever etched on my skin.

* * *

My chambers were swiftly moved from my isolated room in the tower to the rooms adjoining Theron’s. As the guards opened the immense double doors before me, revealing this new prison, I stood rooted to the spot, staring into the brightly lit room, dappled with warm sunlight.

It may as well have been a tundra. I shivered as I crossed the threshold, and my wrists burned as though shackled. As soon as my feet touched the floor, on the other side of that life where I’d once had hope and now had nothing, I felt something within me die. A small spark, a fleeting ember that only days before had promised to burn brightly, sputtered and went out. It left behind only coals, cold, empty, and endless black.

I raised my head to take in my surroundings. The room was lovely, of course. Everything was grand and lavish, gossamer curtains and fine velvet furnishings, along with an armoire no doubt full of new dresses. When my eyes landed on the four poster bed in the center of the room I nearly began retching again.

I threw open the window once the servants had finally left, and gulped down the warm summer air. I gazed out over the castle grounds, wondering where Rook was. I could feel him, like a tempest raging below my heart. I tried to shut him out. It would do neither of us any good to remain attached, to cling on to the Bond. The best I could hope for was to become pregnant as quickly as possible, and give Theron his heir. Then I would have some leverage, perhaps, some favor with him.

Then Rook could be free. Even if I could not be. I laughed bitterly. How quickly our positions had been reversed.

Another wave of nausea gripped me as I realized that the seraph heir may have already taken root in my belly. Tears stung my eyes as I thought of that night in the cave. My fingers trembled as they gripped on to the window frame. Gods I hated him. I hated everything about him.

As though my loathing had summoned him, the door opened, and Theron stepped into the room. I turned, glaring over my shoulder at him, saying nothing.

“Dear one,” he said, casting an approving glance around the room, “I think these rooms are rather fitting for a queen, don’t you?”

“A queen or a slave?” I spat out.

Theron laughed jovially. “Are you still a little cross with me?” He sauntered across the room, smiling at me indulgently. “Now, dearest, that is not how it must always be, you know?”

“Yes, in fact I do know.”

His eyes flamed as he understood my meaning. “Is his cock so much more pleasing than mine?”

“I find willingness tends to make the act more pleasant.” I looked back out over the gardens, my eyes slamming shut as I recoiled at Theron’s touch on my back.

“Then perhaps next time you should not resist me.” His breath was hot on my ear.

“Fuck you.” I attempted to move away from him, but he grasped me roughly and pulled me back to him. His green eyes bore into mine.

“I told you what the consequences of saying no to me are, did I not?”

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