Page 144 of A Realm of Dark Fury

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My chest was heaving, hot with rage. “They’re really dead?” I asked.

Theron nodded. “Such an unfortunate accident. A tragedy.” He waved his hand. “Take her to her chambers.”

I nodded and turned.

“She will need a rest before I visit her tonight.” His words followed me as the courtiers parted, letting me pass. I clutched her to me, my breathing quickening, rage tearing its way up my spine.

I thought for a moment of running right then and there. Fuck Regan and his plans. I had to protect her. I couldn't take her back to that room. I couldn’t put her in that bed knowing what was going to happen to her when Theron slunk into the chambers under the cover of darkness.

But then I was surrounded by guards, a spear pressed to my back, and I was escorted through the palace to Elara’s chambers.

“Go on then, Norahi,” a guard said once we’d reached Elara’s bedside.

I held her close, feeling her weight in my arms, the contraction of her ribs as she breathed. I couldn’t put her down, how could I put her down in this bed and leave her here?

“Now.” The guard growled, prodding me in the ribs with his weapon. “I’m not going to say it again.”

I kissed her forehead, my eyes burning. “I’m so sorry, my love.” I put her down gently, then turned to the guard.

“Alright then, out of here.” He commanded.

I’m sorry, Elara.

I grabbed the spear, the guard's eyes widening as he was jerked forward. I twisted, the spear snapping in half at the same time that the guard’s arm was likewise snapped in two. The other guards exclaimed, rushing at me. I shoved the spear into one guard’s neck, pulling it back to slice the blade along another’s throat.

I felt a sharp pain as one guard landed a blade in my side, and I turned on him, pushing the splintered end of the spear into his gut before shoving him at one of his advancing comrades. Once they were impaled, I seized the blade the guard had stuck in my side, jolting it free and landing it in the chest of another guard.

More guards poured into the room, and I roared as my shadows flew from my hands, barely feeling any pain as they enveloped the soldiers. I heard them choking, spluttering as the darkness invaded their lungs and pressed the air from their bodies.

“Enough!” Regan’s voice sounded from beyond the shadows, and the slave mark burned violently. “Rook, stop this!”

I gritted my teeth, pulling the shadows towards me and yanking the suffocating bodies of the guards along with them.

“Rook, this isn’t helpful!” Regan’s voice was sharp and direct, and reminded me of the promise I’d made myself earlier. I would stay calm and not cause trouble until I could run. Until I could buy Elara the time she needed to get as far away from Veles as possible.

The shadows fell to the floor, bouncing from the stones and vanishing. The guards’ faces were red, sucking in air, eyes darting around the room as though trying to place what had just happened to them. One of them lunged at me with a strangled cry, and Regan was there, his hand on the guard’s shoulder.

“Leave us,” he ordered. “And take the dead with you.” He snapped as the guards hesitated. They filed out of the room slowly, pulling the bodies out with them, leaving behind scarlet trails of blood on the stone floor.

I became aware of my heaving shoulders, my eyes still stinging with unshed tears. Elara remained unmoving on the bed, her eyes closed. I dipped to my knees and held her hand to my lips.

“I'm sorry, my love.”

The door closed behind me, and Regan’s footsteps padded closer.

“You must control yourself,” Regan said in a low voice.

I rose to my feet, towering over him. “Control myself?” I snarled. “I have to place the woman I love in this bed, knowing what may happen to her when your fucking king comes crawling in here.”

“I don’t doubt this is painful for you, and I cannot even begin to imagine what this must be doing to her.” His eyes flickered briefly to Elara, his gaze softening in that split second. “But you’ll be no good to her dead.”

“How can I leave her here?” I asked, my voice cracking as helplessness washed over me. “How can I… knowing what he will…” I couldn’t say it. I couldn’t speak the words.

Regan took a step closer to me. “If it’s any comfort at all, I have slipped a contraceptive elixir into her water.”

A disbelieving scoff left me. “A fuckingwhat?”

“That's all I can do right now,” he said urgently, putting a hand on my shoulder. “We have no choice, Rook. We have to do what we must.”

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