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“Yo, Mr. H!” Zach calls from the desk where he’s clocking in. I sigh and turn away from the door, adjusting the collar of my jacket. He leans against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest. He smiles. “Did you figure out if I can get some weekends off?”

“Unfortunately, I’m not able to hire someone yet,” I say, shuffling a hand through my hair. Despite the bad news, Zach simply nods. “But we can reevaluate after the holidays. You’ll have a long weekend off for Christmas, and we can discuss another day off this month.”

Zach nods again, his blond hair falling over his forehead. He smooths a hand over it, pushing it away from his face, only for it to fall forward again. “I’ve got a date this weekend. Any chance I could get off early on Friday?”

I grin.Oh, to be young and in love.

“I think I can make that work, kid.”

“Thanks, Mr. H.”

I step outside into the cold winter air and zip up my jacket. I skipped dinner with Leslie the other night after my talk with Jana. It felt wrong to go to dinner with another woman when the one I truly care about is so anxious over it. Even though I knew nothing would happen with Leslie, Jana means more to me than a relationship with Laura’s sister.

I start walking toward the diner, excited to see the brunette who’s been on my mind constantly over the last few weeks. I know she’s been worried about our relationship, which is why I asked her to meet me for lunch today. I don’t want her to have a single doubt in that overthinking head of hers.

My heart swells as I think about her.

It’s been two years since Laura passed, and I honestly never thought I would feel this way about anyone ever again. I’m beyond grateful that Jana walked into my bookstore when she did, and that we were paired together for the festival. I can’t imagine my life without her in it now.


I lift my head, surprised to find my path blocked by Leslie. A black hat covers her blonde curls, her eyes and nose red from tears. “What are you doing here?”

“You haven’t been answering my calls,” she says. My heart twinges at the hurt in her voice, but I say nothing. My hands ball into fists inside my pockets, my jaw clenching as she steps closer, wringing her hands. “I-I need to talk to you.”

“Leslie, I—”

“No, I need to get this out,” she says, her voice shaking. My brows furrow, and I step forward, placing a steadying hand on her elbow.

“Are you okay?” She’s shaking like a leaf, whether from the cold or her nerves, I’m not sure.

“Alex, please.” She latches onto me, gripping my hand like it’s her lifeline. “I can’t pretend anymore. I’ve tried to give you space to grieve Laura—I mean, I needed space too, but…I need to tell you the truth—you deserve to hear the truth, and I’ve waited ten years to give it to you.”

“You need to calm down,” I say, trying to pull my hand away, but her grip is clawlike. She pulls herself to me, clinging like a child to my arm. “What are you talking about?”

“I love you, Alex,” she sobs, tears falling as she moves closer, cupping my face with her free hand. She’s close enough that I can smell the alcohol on her breath, the stench of vomit clinging to her clothes. My eyes widen, my jaw going slack.She’s drunk. “I’ve loved you since we met.”

Before I can move away, she throws herself at me, pulling my face to hers and pressing a sloppy kiss to my mouth. I push her away, holding her at arm’s length as she tries to reinitiate the kiss.

“Leslie, you’re drunk,” I say, putting enough space between us that she can’t touch me. I fish my phone from my pocket and dial Benji’s number. “I’m gonna get Ben to come pick you up and take you back to the hotel to sleep it off.”

“No, don’t!” She tries to claw the phone from my hands, but I manage to keep it from her.


“Benji,” I say into the phone, ignoring Leslie’s wailing. I force a smile as the Clarks walk past us, disgusted looks on their withered faces.Always with the judgement, those two. “Can you meet me on Main, in front of the pharmacy?”

“What’s going on?” I hear a door close on the other end of the line.

“Leslie’s been drinking.”

“I’ll be there soon.” He hangs up, and I shove the phone into my jacket. This isn’t the first time Leslie’s caused a scene while drunk, and I’m sure it won’t be her last. I lead her to the side, letting her rest against the glass window. She’s settled, resigned to the fact that Benji is on his way now.

“Look, Leslie,” I say on a sigh. I know she’s drunk, and she’ll probably be hungover later, but I still need to let her down easy. “You’re a great girl, but I’m in love with someone else.”

Her face falls, more tears falling down her cheeks. And then I hear a sound I wasn’t expecting—she laughs. “Of course you are.”

“I’m sorry, Les.”
