Page 147 of Secret Vendettay

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I smiled.

“The fuck do you want?” Franco spat.

I leaned down, so close, that my nose almost touched his. “You proved harder to track down than most of my targets. Color me surprised.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You hide,” I said, pointing my finger against his forehead. “But I’m better at hide-and-seek than you are.”

Look how confused he looks.

“Let me go, you psycho!” he snapped.

I tsked. “Now what fun would that be?” I motioned to the wall of weapons. “We haven’t even started yet.”

He tried to hide the fear in his eyes, but it delightfully bulged out as he glanced from my toys back to me.

“You’re that prosecutor,” he realized.

“The speed of your recognition skills needs significant improvement.”

Terror crept along his face, and damn if that wasn’t as gorgeous as the sun.

“The Windy City Vigilante is aprosecutor?” His eyes widened slightly, and his expression tightened into creases of concern. “I won’t tell anyone what you did,” he said. “Just let me go.”

“Tell me, did you let Luna go when she begged for that very same thing?”

I had to clench my fist. The thought of how terrified she must have been was making it damn hard to keep my focus.

His breathing quickened.

“Had youeverplanned to let her go?” I taunted.


“A, that’s a lie. And B, even if it wasn’t? Your fate was sealed the moment you started to hunt her.”

He swallowed.

“And once you took her to that warehouse and started to torture her, well…there went any chance of you dying a quick, painless death.”

Interesting. I didn’t know a live person could turn that pale. I wonder what other surprises I’ll learn about the human body tonight.

“You picked the wrong woman to try to kill. When I’m done with you, the coroner will have to use dental records to identify you.”



Iwalked into the kitchen, seeing nothing out of order. I did the same in the dining room, and I slowly made my way up the grand staircase.

“Hello?” I called out.

I couldn’t put my finger on it, but a sense of dread weighed heavily upon me, as though an invisible, malignant force lurked just out of reach. The atmosphere around me seemed to thicken with each breath, my instincts screaming in protest, urging me to flee.

What if Hunter was already dead?

What if his killer was still in the house, hiding?
