Page 57 of Secret Vendettay

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An electric current of desire surged around us, whispering over my skin with the echoes of my breaths. The air was thick with passion, ready to ignite at the slightest touch.

Hunter’s eyes, now a vivid turquoise in the kitchen light, fixated on my mouth and, charged with a magnetic pull, drew closer to mine.



Istudied his lips as they lowered closer to mine, my heart racing with a mixture of excitement and apprehension as Hunter tilted his head. The heat emanating from his body pulled me to him, and the intoxicating scent of his cologne—rich with a hint of leather and sandalwood, with its blend of warm and spicy notes exuding confidence and masculinity—intensified the allure even more.

But with each beat of desire, my heart also boomed with nervousness, reminding me I hadn’t kissed anyone in years for a reason. A reason I struggled to remember as Hunter kept his eyes on my mouth, slowly closing the distance between us.

Until finally, our lips met. The world seemed to stand still as the warmth of his mouth mingled with the taste of him, igniting a fire deep within me, as if a long-dormant volcano had suddenly sprung to life.

Especially when he opened his mouth slightly and delicately licked my lower lip before pushing his tongue into mine.

Oh my word. I wanted to open my mouth wider and pull him to me, my stomach warming with a heat that spread between my legs. I pushed my face closer to his, snaking my fingers through his silky hair. As our kiss deepened and our tongues became greedier, I relished the feeling of him pushing his body harder against my thighs.

He tasted divine, and as I shifted my head more to the side, Hunter cupped my chin, our kiss growing deeper, more desperate, as though he feared losing even a second of our connection.

But that was the whole problem. I didn’t want his mouth to ever leave mine. I wanted his kisses to trail down my neck, my chest, and only leave my body temporarily, when he stripped me of my clothes. I wanted to feel him on top of me, feel the weight of his hips press into my thighs as he did more than just kiss my skin.

His hand shifted to cradle the back of my head as he deepened the kiss, our tongues dancing together in a fiery passion.

An unbearable yearning grew in the pit of my stomach as I slid my hands over the warm rivets of his shoulder muscles while our breaths synced with one another. My lower belly burned as I gently nibbled on Hunter’s lower lip.

His hand slipped down my back, pulling me closer to him, and I couldn’t help but moan with pleasure.

Which incited a groan of his own as our kiss evolved even further—a perfect rhythm of tongues connecting over and over while we greedily pulled at each other, unable to get enough.

An intense desire coursed through me, urging me to give in completely to this man. Surrendering to this kiss, I fell deeper under his spell, unable to resist the pull he had over me. His lips were like a drug, and I craved more of his intoxicating touch.

His hardened abs and chest pressed against my own, sending my back arching, and his growing desire throbbed against my core. Gently, he pressed me forward to lay me down on the countertop.

Which sent my damn heart into alarm.

I pushed against Hunter’s chest. “Wait.”

Hunter’s lips abandoned mine, his eyes devouring every curve of my face as his knuckles trailed under my jaw.

“What’s wrong?” he whispered.

I want this too much.

“I…” My eyes burned through the fight raging in my heart—one side wanting this man more than any other man I’d known, the other side more terrified than I’d ever been because of it.

“Tell me.” His legs pushed against the inside of my thighs, his mouth still distractingly close to mine.

I swallowed. “I…I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

Hunter tilted his head slightly, and damn it if that didn’t make him look sexier.

“Why?” The word rolled off his tongue, smooth and velvety, making the air around us seem to grow warmer with each syllable.

“We’re opponents in the courtroom, and you’re also my landlord. Going any further would make our working relationship uncomfortable.”

He trailed his thumb along my lower lip.

“I can tell that’s not the real reason, Little Leopard.”
