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Chapter 17

“Here, let me,” Petersaid, holding out his hand as they reached the bottom of the porch steps.

Sally smiled, putting her hand into his, and looking into his eyes. She was tempted to allow her gaze to go down, to see the leg that no longer had a cast, but she always had trouble getting lost in Peter’s eyes.

They grinned together as he helped her up the steps for the first time in six weeks.

“I can definitely get used to this,” he said, as they reached the top. He was slightly out of breath, which Sally figured was normal. He hadn’t used his leg for a long time, and the muscles had atrophied. He would have to build them back up again, but the fact that the cast was off was the exciting thing of the day. All the work that lay ahead of them was mild in comparison to that.

“Have you told Miles?” Sally asked, knowing that Peter was beyond excited to be able to jump back into the farm work.

“No. I didn’t want to jinx anything on the way to the doctors this morning. I knew they were going to take one last x-ray, and I could just see me telling Miles that I was getting my cast off, and then it end up being that the doc was going to say I had to wear a whole body cast for the next eight weeks or something.”

“I don’t think we’ve been together long enough for me to actually attack you with a skillet and put you in a body cast. But I’ll keep it in mind,” Sally said, grinning at him. Both of them knew that she would never go after him with a skillet or anything else for that matter.

“All right. Note to self, remove all iron cookware from the kitchen.”

They laughed together as they walked in the house.

Sally, while over the moon happy for Peter, was a little sad. She felt like it was justifiable for her to stay at his house while he had his leg casted and needed help. But now that he was whole, she was moving out. Her things were all packed, it was just a matter of her bringing them down the stairs and walking out.

She was going to miss spending so much time with him. Of course, he would be back out working on the farm, and wouldn’t be hanging around the house anyway, but still.

“I’m going to miss you,” Peter said, as they walked to the kitchen, where Sally put her purse on the counter and washed her hands.

“I didn’t want to say anything. I’m happy for you, truly I am, but I’m going to miss being able to spend so much time with you.”

“You know if we got married, we’d be able to spend as much time as we wanted together.”

“That’s true,” she said, her voice coming out as casually as she could make it, but her heart flipping and skipping inside of her chest. What was he saying? Was it just a casual statement? Or was he saying something more?

His hand came down on her shoulder, and he turned her as she dried her hands on the dish towel.

“I’m sorry, that was pretty backhanded and very awkward, wasn’t it?”

“I don’t know. Was it?”

“I wanted to ask you to marry me. I... I don’t have a ring, I wasn’t really even planning on it, but the idea of having you leave is just...hard.”

“Well, sometimes I believe we have to go through hard things, and sometimes we can get married instead,” Sally said with a laugh.

“Wow. This proposal really went off the rails.”
