Page 21 of Iron Secrets

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Aero heard himself groan; a deep need was simmering inside of him. He had to leave.

“Aero,” Sam breathed, her eyes opening and locking with his.

“Goodnight, Sam,” Aero rasped, allowing himself another brief kiss before releasing her hands and stepping back, pulling open the door.

“I’ll see you on Monday,” he said, and Sam nodded, all words abandoning her.

He smiled at her, then left, shutting the door behind himself.

Sam watched him through the peephole until his truck disappeared from her sight, then grinned to herself, touching her lips. Aero had given her an immeasurable gift, she realized, smiling while she popped her uneaten dinner into the microwave before settling on the couch where Aero had sat. She could still smell him. He had a masculine scent, like men’s soap and shaving cream, with a manly essence that was all his. She wanted to bury herself in him, to tuck her face into the crook of his neck and breathe him in, to feel his muscled arms lock around her protectively.

But she was getting ahead of herself. They’d made progress despite Aero’s struggle at the restaurant, and Sam smiled again, joy and optimism filling her heart, as she found an old movie on television to watch while she ate.

? ? ? ? ?

Aero woke up with a jolt, his heart pounding and his body damp in a cold sweat. He was panting, the sheets tangled around his legs.

He rubbed his eyes and rolled to the side, the cool air of the ceiling fan making goosebumps break out over his bare skin.

He tried to remember what he’d seen so he could write it down like his therapist had tried to get him to do, but he hadn’t had a nightmare. He had been dreaming.

Aero blinked, his eyes adjusting to the dark. Sucking in a shaky breath, he realized he was aroused. His briefs were straining against his hard length, which throbbed with every hard beat of his heart. He reached down to try and adjust his boxers, but when his fingers brushed the tip, the dream came back to him all at once.


They’d been in his bed, her body beneath his as he slid in and out of her, writhing and moaning his name. He’d held her close as he moved, kissing her without even air between their naked bodies.

Aero swallowed hard, blinking frantically as he panted. He felt wrong, like if he allowed himself to think of her while he pleasured himself, she’d think he was a pervert.

He tried to fight it, gripping the sheets and flexing his other muscles in an attempt to get the blood to flow back where it belonged, but it just made him harder.

He closed his eyes, and the dream flashed across his mind again, this time with Sam in his lap, his large hands cupping her ass as he moved her up and down his length.

“Fuck,” he gasped, his eyes popping open. Untangling himself from the covers, he staggered into the bathroom, flipped the lock, and turned on the shower.

Leaving it on cold, he stepped under the water and hissed. The water hit him like shards of glass, his muscles tensing in protest. He stayed in the shower for a long time, his arousal taking far longer to subside than he cared to admit. When he was numb and his lips were slightly blue from the cold, he exited the shower, pulled on a pair of pajama pants, and got back in bed.

It was early; his alarm clock read 3:47 a.m. He sighed.

Aero would be getting up soon anyway. He rolled over and picked up his phone from the nightstand.

He had messages from Sam.

Sam:I hope you got home safe.

Sam:I really liked kissing you.

Sam:I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well x

Aero’s chest ached with longing, but he smiled in the darkness.

Chapter 5

Aero couldn’t face Sam, not after the dream he’d had. He made sure to be out of South Street Elementary by the time the lunch bell rang. He’d tell her he was called away if she asked.

As usual, she left his lunch with his tools and a yellow sticky note that read, “Have a good day.” She’d drawn a smiley face at the bottom.

The container held his uneaten dinner from the night before. Shame and embarrassment slithered up his spine at the memory of how he ruined their date.
