Page 23 of Iron Secrets

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“You can’t build a relationship unless you are open and honest. You know that. We’ve talked about it,” Dr. Byrd said calmly.

“I know.” Aero sighed, pacing again.

“What else is wrong?”

“I took her out to dinner,” Aero said, making Byrd’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “The waitress’s name was Sarah.” His voice cracked at the mention of her name. “I lost it. We had to leave. She probably thinks I’m nuts.”

“What happened after you left the restaurant?” Byrd asked.

“I took her home. We kissed. I went home and…” He trailed off, not wanting to tell his therapist about the dream he’d had. Even now, the memory made his cock twitch. His ears got hot with embarrassment.

“Well, if she kissed you after your episode, I think it’s safe to say she wasn’t put off by it.” Byrd shrugged. “This is my suggestion. Tell her what you’re afraid of and see what she says. Then, depending on her response, just try. If you can’t handle it, then back off and take your time. If she can’t support your process, then maybe she isn’t the one for you.”

Byrd said it as if it were all so obvious.

“And if she doesn’t want me?” Aero asked, hating the hurt in his voice.

“Wouldn’t you rather know that right off?” Byrd asked. Then, more gently, he said, “You’ll never know if you don’t try, Aero.”

He was right, and Aero knew it.

“All right,” Aero agreed, moving toward the door.

“I’ll see you on Thursday,” Byrd called after him as he stalked out into the afternoon sunshine.

After he showered and changed, Aero started driving toward Sam’s house, hoping she was home alone.

He was out of the truck and knocking on the door before he could change his mind.

“Aero,” Sam said in surprise when she opened the door. “Are you okay?”

He nodded. “Can I come in?”

“Of course,” she said, shaking off her surprise and letting him in.

“Is Molly here?” Aero asked, and Sam said no.

“I’d like to tell you something,” Aero said, taking her hand and almost dragging her to the couch before he lost his nerve. Holding her hands tightly in his lap, he muttered, “I understand if you want to go our separate ways after this.”

“What’s going on?” He was making her nervous.

Aero took a deep breath, then said, “I’m afraid to be with you because I don’t want to accidentally hurt you.”

“By hurt, do you mean…” Sam trailed off, not understanding.

“I have night terrors. Sometimes, when they’re bad, I move around a lot. I have, um, hit people before who got too close to me,” he shared, feeling the shame all over again. Blaze had been perfectly understanding and never held it against Aero, but that didn’t lessen Aero’s embarrassment or guilt.

Sam froze. He could hurt her. She was so much smaller than him. She didn’t stand a chance.

“I would never, ever hurt you on purpose, Sam. I would never hit you or intentionally do anything to harm you,” Aero said, sincerity in every word. His green eyes bore into hers, shining in the light from her lamp.

“I know.” And she did. Aero was not a violent or dangerous man. He wasn’t rough with her, despite his size, and he never made her feel unsafe. Quite the opposite.

Aero swallowed hard, unsure which way this was going. “I wanna be with you.”

“I want you, too, Aero,” Sam whispered, her voice thick with emotion. He was laying his soul out for her, and it made her tingle from head to toe.

His heart swelled. She wanted him.
