Page 43 of Iron Secrets

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Molly looked up from her phone. “What?”

“Why’d you say that to him?” Sam asked, her tone clipped.

Molly shrugged, shifting slightly away from Sam. “He just gives off a weird vibe.”

Sam wanted to scream. Instead, she calmly stated, “There’s nothing wrong with Aero.”

“If you say so.” Molly gave a slight eye roll.

“He’s a good man. Aero is kind and gentle, and he’s my friend. If you don’t like him, that’s fine. Just keep your inaccurate, half-baked Psych 101 comments to yourself,” Sam snapped, surprised at the cold tone of her voice. A small glimmer of pride flickered in her chest for having stood up for herself.

“Okay,” Molly acquiesced, duly chastened. Looking down into her mug, she had the good sense to look embarrassed.

Sam sighed, looking at Aero’s discarded coffee mug. “I like him.”

“I can tell,” Molly said. “I’m sorry. I’ll be nice.”


Chapter 8

To keep herself busy and keep her mind off what had happened with Aero, Sam did laundry, went grocery shopping, and readied her lesson plans for the following week. She was putting away her clean, folded laundry when her phone buzzed on her nightstand.

“Hello,” Sam answered, trying not to sound overly excited at seeing Aero’s name on her phone.

“Sammy,” Aero’s deep voice rumbled over the line. “Please come see me.”

Sam shivered. “Okay. When?”

“Right now,” he said, desperate to see her again. He knew he’d overreacted that morning; he just hadn’t expected Molly to be so outspoken against him. For a while, he wondered if Molly turned those inaccurate but no less scathing comments on Sam, which angered him further. He’d spent time working on his computer, then several hours in the gym, before he felt like he’d worked out the tension in his body and felt ready to be around Sam.

“I’ll be there soon,” Sam said, reaching for her keys.

“I’ll be waiting,” Aero promised, standing from his desk to tidy up his room.

Sam pulled up to the gate, and Gunner let her in, recognizing her car on sight. She rounded the clubhouse and parked next to Gemma’s sedan, just as she had done many times before, but this time she tingled with excitement. Exiting her car, she entered through the back door and walked into the bar room. It was full, being a Saturday night, and Sam looked around for Aero but didn’t find him.

Sam sat at the bar and asked Kai for a drink. “Something strong, Lothario.”

“You got it, cupcake.” He flashed her a dazzling smile before sourcing a glass and pouring her a generous portion of whiskey.

It wasn’t her usual choice, but she blew him a kiss and took a sip. It burned, but it warmed her and settled her nerves. Before she could strike up a conversation with Kai, a voice behind her said, “You won’t need that.”

Sam whipped around to see Aero standing there, his green eyes serious, taking her in.

“Hi,” Sam breathed, reaching for him.

With a deep breath, Aero took her hand and twined their fingers together, much to Kai’s shock.

“Come with me.” Aero tugged Sam along behind him and up the stairs.

She’d been up there before, but only in Zed and Gemma’s room. Aero stopped in front of a door, pushed it open, and let her enter.

The word sparse came to mind. Aero had a bed, a dresser, and a desk. A tall filing cabinet with a television on top was beside it.

She gave up looking at the furniture when she caught sight of a bouquet of flowers. They were multicolored wildflowers in a vase on the nightstand. A bottle of wine and two glasses sat beside them, a white candle burning and casting flickering shadows on the bed.

“Aero,” Sam breathed, surprise in her tone. “What’s all this?”
