Page 89 of Iron Secrets

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Sam quivered, clutching him tighter.

“Maybe,” she taunted, tilting her head to the side so he could continue. “What’re you gonna do about it?”

Aero felt his heart start beating frantically and his breathing grow shallow. He slid his hands down to her ass, palming it and holding her hips against his. Even the cold water didn’t diminish his desire for her; heat spread through him at her playful seduction.

“Aero,” Sam breathed, feeling him harden between her legs.

“Sammy,” he rasped, sliding a hand up to the back of her head, twining his fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck, and claiming her lips fully.

He wanted her desperately, with a fierceness he hadn’t experienced for years. With Sam, he was powerless against his desire. It was more than simple attraction or lust. It was passion.

Sam was breathing erratically, tightening her hold on Aero while she kissed him again and again, teasing his tongue with hers before biting down gently on his lower lip.

Aero let out a growl, kissing her harder, his muscles tensing beneath her.

“Sammy, I—” Aero was cut off as a large wave slammed into his back, and he pitched forward, the sand beneath his feet disappearing.

He released Sam, not wanting to land on top of her or hold her under, as the wave overtook him and they both went under.

The saltwater burned in his nose as he regained his footing and stood, looking around for Sam. She popped up in front of him, dripping and sputtering, wiping the water from her eyes.

He couldn’t help the laughter that escaped his chest.

Sam grinned at him, brushing wet strands of hair back from her face.

“Sorry, Sammy.”

“I don’t think you are.” She giggled, reaching out and taking his hand.

“No, not really,” Aero admitted, the moment burning itself into his brain. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so comfortable, relaxed, and happy. He didn’t want it to end.

Sam narrowed her eyes at him, but they sparkled with humor.

She loved him.

The thought gave her pause, and she blinked a few times, the realization setting in. She was in love with Aero.

“Should we have lunch?” Aero asked, cocking his head to the side as he watched her.

His emerald eyes were bright and tender as he looked at her, making her heart flutter in her chest.

She couldn’t help but wonder if Aero loved her, too. Taking in the way he focused on her like she was the most important person in the world, she thought maybe he did.

Sam gave him a soft, pretty smile. “Sure. Let’s dry off.”

Aero grinned and led her out of the water and back up toward their towels, clutching her hand tightly in his.

“Thank you.” Sam smiled at the teenager who handed her an ice cream cone.

“Have a good one.” The kid smiled back before turning to help the next person in line.

“How is it?” Aero asked, licking his own ice cream as they walked down the sidewalk.

“So good.”

“Better than Phish Food?” Aero asked, and she laughed.

“I don’t know; probably a close second.”
