Page 61 of The Player's Lounge

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“Long may our friendship continue, Cody, and not just in this lifetime,” said Quint, and he got to his feet. “If you don’t mind, though, I have a man I need to see. That I maybe, just maybe need to hold.”

* * *

Kai was waitingfor him back at the Air BnB, and after he let Quint in, Quint followed him through to his bedroom.

It was strange. Kai stood there, saying nothing, maybe not needing to with all their shared history, but still managing to look so new and out of place to everything. Quint had lost count of the number of times they’d taken each other to bed together, but first times, even after a lifetime of old ones, were nervous territory…

Giving a sigh, Quint went over, slipped a hold around Kai’s waist and rested his forehead down against Kai’s as he closed his eyes.

“It doesn’t matter” Quint breathed quietly. “All the heat, the sex, and you wanna know why?”

Kai slipped a return hold around him, his sigh troubled, hurt… deep. “Why?”

“Because it’s not the first kiss that counts, it’s the last. It tastes of how much we’ve lived, how much we loved together… how much we’d do it all again if we got the chance.”

Quint brushed his lips against Kai’s, so gentle, tender, and Kai returned the sensation, just as gentle. Just as tender.

Quint eased back a moment later. “We have the chance to do this so many times,” he said gently. “And I’ll take each and every one with you just to relive that last kiss over and over.”

Kai tightened his hold. “So, this lifetime. How would you like to play it?”

Quint closed his eyes as he nestled into Kai’s neck. “Take it slowly. And the sea.” Quint looked up at him. “Let’s not live by the sea this time.”

Kai laughed, then sighed and looked towards the bed. “Any angry sex?”

Quint looked towards the bed as well. “Maybe.” A smile came his way. “Just maybe.”

* * *

Over the next few weeks,Kai had been backwards and forwards between York and London with Leo. They were now in the Air BnB for the next week, the place silent, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Kai lay on the sofa with his feet up whilst Leo stared out the window onto the quiet street below.

“You’re thinking about him, aren’t you?” said Leo.

“Huh?” Kai, snapped out of his quiet.

“In the twenty-plus years I’ve known you, not once have I ever seen you just sit in a chair in silence without a game or a phone in your hand or without you watching some shite on Netflix. So, something’s up…spill.”

Kai feigned confusion as Leo pointed at him.

“You’re a shite liar. Just admit to me that you love him.” Leo sat down in what had fast become his favourite chair. “Listen, I know there’s some connection between you both, you don’t have to pretend there’s not. Look, I don’t mind, really. As long as he’s not pulling the same psychic shit that he did with me. If he is, then I’ll know he’s a fraud.”

Kai inwardly groaned. They were taking it slow to not swamp Leo or Cody. More so Leo and his last comment on the psychic link. He was a Reboot. The three of them weren’t, so taking time for everyone to get to know each other properly it had to be. It was the slow way, but the only way to protect Reboots. From what he’d heard of Leo’s previous life, their fear to love each other because of the times, Kai didn’t want Leo to feel rushed or exposed to anything he didn’t need to be. “You and Cody doing okay?”

Leo blushed, but it wasn’t embarrassment, just a lover thinking of a lover. “Things between us are ace. The connection I have with Cody, it was nothing like that with Quint. And I’m glad Quint gets on with him so well. Weird how they knew each other too, huh?”

Kai squinted at him, then smiled. “Yeah, weird.”

Leo got up. “Enough about me, because here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna fuck off to the shops, and while I’m gone, I suggest you give him a call and arrange a proper date. I’m sick of watching you two fluttering your eyelashes at each other over the studio.”

Kai went over and brought Leo in for a hug. “I fucking love you, man. You know that?”

“I know you do. Now sort your shit out. Both of you. When I get back, I wanna hear that you’ve scored yourself some angry sex. Speaking of… dates, I need to run.”

Leo grabbed his jacket and rucksack from the chair and wrapped his scarf around his neck. “See ya in a bit,” he hollered, slamming the door behind him.

Kai squeezed his phone out of his pocket and dialled Quint’s number. Quint answered after two rings and Kai eased into a smile.

“I know we said slow,” said Quint, “but this is killing me.”
