Page 37 of Deception

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Her brows rose even higher. “If you give it to me, I’ll make sure he gets it.”

I stepped back, tightening my grip. “I need to make sure he gets this. I don’t even have to go up. He could meet me down here.”

“I’m sorry, but without an appointment, there’s nothing I can do.” Her pinched face lit up, and she smiled at someone behind me. “Mr. Olsen. How are you today?”

A guy in jeans and a T-shirt came up to the desk, holding a little girl who I guessed to be about six or seven. She had messy pigtails in her hair, and her dress was on inside out.

“Sofie, darling, say hi to Alyssa.”

The girl, who I guessed to be Sofie, buried her head in his neck.

Unperturbed by the girl’s behavior, the receptionist leaned forward, giving us an uninterrupted view of her ample cleavage. “You free tonight?”

I rolled my eyes and huffed. Really? I was standing right there. I could have been a paying customer. I’d researched Locked Security before coming here, and they did everything from bodyguard to installing security systems to bounty hunting. What if I wanted to hire their services?

Mr. Olsen patted Sofie’s back. “Sorry, got a date with this little cherub already.”

Alyssa’s face fell, and she pouted.

I rapped my knuckles on the desk. “I’m still here, by the way. And as entertaining as you hitting on someone is, can we please get back to finding a way to get me an appointment with Elijah?”

Her face soured, and I inwardly groaned. Way to mess things up, idiot. Now she’ll never let you anywhere near this Elijah guy.

“As I have told you already, you can’t go up there without an appointment. And his calendar is booked solid for at least three weeks,” she said, her nose turned up, using a schoolteacher voice.

Mr. Olsen seemed to notice me for the first time. I didn’t blame him. Alyssa was quite memorable. And it seemed like he had memories to fall back on.

“Maybe I can help.” He held out his hand. “I’m Carter Olsen. I work at Locked Security.”

I shook his hand, noticing the calluses and firm grip. So not just a pretty boy. But it was easy to judge him. He had the typical surfer look: lean body, tousled blond hair, tanned skin.

“Everleigh. Nice to meet you.”

Sofie peeked at me, and I waved at her. “Hi, Sofie.”

Her head disappeared again.

Carter studied me, and I squirmed under his assessing gaze, cringing at what he undoubtedly saw. Messy hair that was a few days past needing a brush and a good wash, rumpled clothes I’d worn since yesterday, and bags under my eyes. But despite looking like I’d spent a few nights sleeping on the street, he smiled at me. “What can we do for you?”

“I need to see Elijah Anderson. I have something for him.”

“It’s not a positive pregnancy test, is it?”

A wry smile snuck onto my face. “That would be hard to do, since I’ve never met him. But I have something he’ll want to see.”

Sofie whispered something to Carter, who nodded and kissed her head. “I need to get this little beauty upstairs. Why don’t you give me whatever you have, and I’ll pass it on.”

I clutched the hard drive and phone to my chest and shook my head. “I’m sorry, but I need to give this to him myself.”

Sighing, he nodded. “Come on, then. My instincts are telling me you’re harmless. And they’re rarely wrong. Don’t let this be one of those rare times.”

I scrambled after him. “Thank you so much. And I’m definitely harmless. I’ll only need a minute of his time. Promise.”

Carter nodded to Alyssa as he walked away. “I’ve got her.”

She watched us make our way to the elevator and get on, her gaze never wavering from mine. When the elevator door cut off her stare, I slumped in relief.

Carter bounced Sofie up and down, making her giggle. “So what do you have for Gunner?”
