Page 30 of Guarding Adelaide

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"Sounds good." She looked at Rafe. "Who in your office knows where you are?"

His brows furrowed. "No one. Are you suggesting I'm getting the senator tracked?"

"I'm not suggesting anything Rafe. But, we have to explore all avenues. Who in your office would know where you are?"

"No. One." His tone was clipped and she could see the anger filling his eyes.

"Your phone can't be tracked? Your computer?"

He jerked his phone from his back pocket. "Scan it."

Henry took Rafe's phone gently from his hand and plugged it into his computer. He watched the screen for a few seconds and shook his head. "Clean."

Addy picked Rafe's phone off the table and unplugged it from Henry's computer, then handed it to him. "I'm sorry. We have to be sure."

He took his phone from her, careful their fingers didn't touch, which made her sad, and pocketed his phone.

Henry stepped toward the door. "I'm on my way back to the house. Let me know if anything happens. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Myles ended his call with Tate. "Tate has police on the way."

Henry waved, then disappeared out the door. Addy took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She moved to the sofa and the coffee table in front of it. She moved the few magazines, which were a couple of years old, to the floor as well as the figurine of a bluebird. Pulling the box from her bag, she set it on the sofa and opened the lid.

Rafe sat on the other side of the box on the sofa. She looked into his eyes, her pulse quickened. She was getting used to that feeling when she looked at him. She liked how it felt for another human to make her feel alive.

"I'm sorry Rafe. I'm doing my job."

He bit the inside of his bottom lip before responding. "I understand."

She smiled softly. "Okay. Let's pull this out and see what we have. We may have to organize it in some fashion, but first, let's see what is here."

"Just tell me what you want me to do." His voice was deep and rugged and goosebumps formed on her arms and her chest. She felt the skitter of excitement slide down her spine. She knew what she wanted him to do to her. For sure. Since he'd kissed her she'd wondered about him. How he'd feel against her body. Since she'd seen him without his shirt, she knew his hard chest pushed into her would feel exciting. The heat that rolled off his body when she was close called to her. The last time she'd had carnal thoughts like this had been years ago. It felt like a lifetime though.


He'd been sore at first, but he understood. If he were in Addy's position, he'd have done the same thing. It still stung a bit. But now, as he sat next to her, working with her, he felt alive!

He scanned the documents in his hands. Text jumped out at him and a sizzle of dread skittered down his spine.

"My God." He turned toward her, a set of documents in his hand.

"What have you found?"

He looked into her eyes and spoke softly. "According to these documents, then Senator King, now president-elect King, traded oil contracts that he made millions on, for power in Yerezdan and gave the Prime Minister of Yerezdan sensitive information and access to our military contacts here."

Addy stared into his eyes as she held her hand out for the papers. Finally looking away, he watched her as she read them. She swallowed a few times and he was enamored with her profile. Her throat constricted and loosened when she swallowed and he imagined she was feeling the words she was reading.

Reading the last document, she slowly turned her head toward him. "This is bad."


He handed her another stack of documents he'd found earlier, which now made more sense. "This is worse."

Her movements were slow as she pulled the stack of documents from his hand. It was almost as if she were in slow motion. When she spoke, her voice was softer than a whisper. "Oh my God. King had the Chief of Staff of Yerezdan murdered."

"Yes." He motioned toward other documents. "The senator is complicit in keeping it quiet. He was used to funnel documents back and forth to Yerezdan. He was appointed the special envoy of Yerezdan and carried documents, and money, back and forth between the countries. That's why King is after him."

"But the senator is guilty of conspiracy. He's implicating himself."
