Page 69 of Guarding Adelaide

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"You think this doesn't hurt her?"

"I explained what I had to do and that I'd be back. And I will. But, I'll be a better man because of it."

"Hmm." Myles turned onto the airport property. "I wonder what the statistics are of someone promising to come back, but never coming back are?"

Rafe's jaw clenched. Myles pulled to a stop outside the hangar. Rafe opened the door and jumped from the truck. He looked in at Myles. "Why don't you give me that statistic when I return. Thanks for the ride."

He strode with his shoulders high toward the plane. Gavin stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting. "Hello, Mr. Martin. It's a good day to fly."

"Hello, Gavin. I'm happy to hear that."

He moved into the plane and sat in the seat Addy had occupied on the way here. He let his mind remember their mile high experience and let a couple of tears drop onto his cheeks.

He took a deep breath, swiped angrily at the moisture on his face, buckled his seat belt and settled in for takeoff.

Once they were safely in the air, he pulled his phone from his pocket and typed out a message to the majority leader. "I need to see you. It's urgent. It's also secret. Matter of extreme national security. Tell no one."

He swallowed the basketball-size lump in his throat and hit send. It was out there now.

He set his phone on the table and sat back to rerun through his mind what needed to happen. He debated on contacting Wade. Decided against it. If he was the next in line, he needed to act like he was already there.

His phone vibrated and he grabbed it and read the message. "I can be there this afternoon."

"See you then."

He sat back, reclined his seat and settled in for the rest of the plane ride. What he knew right now, was this was right. This was what he'd needed to do. He let himself get scared and worry about going to prison and King's power. But, he had power too. And, he'd use it. He had years of documents with King's signature all over it. He had a murder on King's record that he'd hidden. He had all the people who helped him hide it too. He'd shake this jar and pour the contents out before the entire world if that's what was needed. But, he'd do it. Then, he'd go scoop Addy up and make her his for a lifetime. Because in the end, that's what this was all about. Being the man she deserved. She was already the woman he wanted. He needed to be someone she would always be proud of.


Addy woke from her nap. She'd allowed herself to cry for a few moments. She'd then told herself it was because she was tired. But, she felt like Rafe had broken up with her and stomped out of the house as things got tough.

She slogged across the floor to the dresser and pulled clean clothing from inside. She woodenly moved to the bathroom and turned the water on in the shower. She closed her eyes as she remembered Rafe making love to her in her shower. She allowed herself a moment to remember how it felt when he held her close. Sucking in a lungful of air, she stepped in the shower and washed it all away. They still had the senator here and there was still work to do on their end. They'd need to clean out the safe house they'd used and remove all of their equipment. And, they needed to figure out a plan for the senator moving forward. If Rafe succeeded in bringing King down, it would bring the senator down too. So, he was facing a life in prison.

Then, there was Doctor Krueger. He needed to be dealt with too. The dirty bastard.

Stepping from the shower, she dressed, dried her hair and left the bathroom. She had a moment where she remembered Rafe sitting on her sofa waiting for her. Closing her eyes, she pulled her shoulders back and left her bedroom.

Talking in the kitchen reached her ears and she rounded the corner to see Maya, Myles, Tate, and the senator sitting at the kitchen table.

Maya smiled. "Morning."

"Morning." She glanced around at the coffee pot. Helissa stepped from the laundry room and hurried to the coffee pot. She poured Addy's coffee into her favorite mug and set it on the counter with a wink.

That led to her remembering Rafe's winks and a hard knot formed in her stomach. But she forced a smile, took her cup to the table, and sat next to Maya. "What's the topic of discussion?"

Tate nodded toward the senator. "We're discussing where the senator should stay until things are brought to light. It's likely he'll be needed to testify, so he needs to be somewhere safe. We can't trust the majority of D.C. right now to do that because King has infiltrated so many agencies, we don't know who we can trust right now."

"I was just thinking about that too."

She sipped her coffee and waited for someone else to respond.

The senator broke the silence. "I'd like to see my family."

Tate shook his head. "They're safe right now. If we bring you there, they'll be less safe. I'm sorry but that's a fact."

The senator dropped his head. "I know."

Maya sat back in her chair. "As I see it, we can keep him here. We can find another safe house for him. That splits us up for protection. Or the senator can hire a private security firm and handle his own protection."
