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“Yes, but I want to wait and let her tell you the story of how you came into this world. I feel like it’s her story to tell you.”

Stupefied, he sat there. “But you’re my father and though my adoptive mother had issues, I still love her.”

“Of course, you do,” Wendy said. “She was the mother you knew.”

“Yes, and while I may have had no hand in creating you, Francis and I loved you very much. After she was diagnosed with schizophrenia, we made the decision not to have children naturally. Then when I learned you were going to be put up for adoption, we contacted the family and made the arrangements.”

Hannah reached out and touched him on the arm. “Are you okay with this?”

How often did you meet the person who was your birth mother? So many adoptees never learned their story and he was about to find out his.

“Are you okay with this, Dad? My feelings will never change for you,” Noah told his father.

The man grinned. “Yes, I think it’s time you learned the truth, but I want Beth to tell you. It’s her story and yours.”

Beth. His real mother’s name was Beth and he was going to meet her.

“When are we meeting them?”

“Tomorrow, Christmas Eve. We thought tonight we’d spend time together, and then tomorrow, she wants us to come to dinner.”

Hannah took his hand and squeezed it. “This is turning out to be quite the Christmas.”

He grinned at her. “Yes, yes, it is.”


The next day, his father, Wendy, Hannah, and he went to a house less than a mile from his father’s place. With a swirl of emotion going through him, he stared at the houses where his birth mother lived.

“Oh, by the way, she has three daughters. You have three half-sisters,” his father said.

He’d never thought about having siblings and warmth filled him at the thought. Yet how would they feel when they learned they had a brother?

When they reached the door, a woman stepped outside, her eyes filling with tears. “Noah?”

“Yes,” he said grinning at her. He had her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes and her mouth and nose. But her hair was red and he had dark hair.

“Oh my God,” she said and threw her arms around him. A sob escaped her throat. “You have to know I never wanted to give you up. I’ve thought of you every day since the time we were separated.”

It felt good to wrap his arms around her and he held on tightly to her. She smelled nice and he couldn’t help but think this was his mother.

“Please don’t hate me,” she said.

“How could I hate you? I’ve had a wonderful life. Two great parents, a good education, and now I’m getting to meet you. But I will admit, I’m curious about why you gave me up, and who my father is.”

She sniffed and leaned back in his arms. “Come in and meet the others. They don’t know about you. I want you all to hear the story at the same time. Charles knows this tale, but he graciously wanted me to tell you.”

“Beth, I’ve had Noah for all these years. It’s time you got to know him and for him to know the truth about you and his real father.”

“Thank you,” she said sniffing. “All of you, please come in. But who is this beautiful young woman?”

“This is my fiancée Hannah,” he said grinning. “Dr. Hannah Young.”

She grasped Hannah’s hand in both of hers. “So nice to meet you. This blizzard has brought so many of us together. Now come on in, you two. Everyone is here and they’re going to be so surprised.”

When they stepped inside the door, a man stood. “This is my husband John,” she said.

Inside a large family room, the fireplace was blazing. A large Christmas tree stood in the corner. But the main thing that caught his eye was the three women sitting around the room. His sisters. He had sisters.
