Page 32 of The Checkmate

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King!She’s never called me ‘King’ before. But it’s an endearment I like hearing from her mouth. And she is right. I need to try my best to stay wise right now. This is unlike the game of chess I play regularly. For one, my opponent is my queen, and secondly, the idea of stripping a piece off the body as we take down each other’s pieces is incredibly arousing.

“I’m waiting, King.” Meher’s voice breaks my trance. She called me King again. It sounds so damn seductive that I could give my life to hear it from her. Meher is leaning back on her chair, her eyes fixed on me, as she gestures to me to strip one piece off my body. Though I’ve lost this move, I am more than willing to give her the pleasure of watching me strip. In fact, I decide to put on a little show that will have her wanting for more.

Leaning back, I start unbuttoning my shirt without breaking our eye contact. She moistens her lips and visibly swallows. Though she tries to act casual, I can see the hunger in her eyes and can read her body language. I can’t wait for one of us to lose—for her to lose so that I can pleasure her all night, the way she deserves, the way she secretly craves to be pleasured but is only hiding it. Meher’s gaze follows my hand as I start unbuttoning my shirt, one button at a time, until the last one comes off, leaving my shirt open at the front. She doesn’t have any idea of how sensuous she looks when she is turned on. Only I have the privilege to see her like this; nobody else. The true power of a king lies in the surrendering gaze of his opponent, even in the face of defeat. And Meher is surrendering, or at least is on the verge of doing so, as she sees me slide the shirt off my shoulders and throw it aside, revealing my bare upper body to her.

“Eyes on the chessboard, Queen,” I tease.

Meher quickly blinks and again focuses on the chessboard, trying to curb her sexy smile. Since it’s my turn to play, I move my pawn forward. Meher plays the next move, giving my pawn just the opportunity to block her white one. The next few minutes are spent protecting our respective pieces, and I admire Meher’s tactical skill as she concentrates intently on the game. I know it’s not going to work for too long. Carefully, I choose my next move, plotting my strategy, and with a deft touch, I make my move and capture her white rook.

Meher hisses in surprise. Her gaze locks with mine as I grin. It’s finally show time. I can’t wait to see what she’s wearing inside that sashed satin robe. Without wasting any moment, she removes the black beaded bracelet from her wrist and puts it on the table beside us.

“That’s cheating.” I protest. “That’s not a piece of clothing.”

“I never said clothing per se. I said, a piece of something off your body,” she replies. “That’s why I say, my King, pay attention. You are losing your touch after marriage.”

She’s smart to manipulate me. But it’s not my fault either. When the queen is so tempting, only a fool would look away from her.

“You need to ace this game, King,” Meher speaks again, “or else, you’ll be left with nothing to strip. Only two more pieces left to go on your body before I win.”

I smirk, leaning back on my chair, my legs stretched apart to accommodate my growing arousal.

“Don’t challenge me,” I warn her. “You know what happens when the queen challenges a king?” I ask, but I don’t really want her to respond. It’s a warning that I want Meher to take seriously. “The king always wins,” I add. “And when he does, all the queen can do is submit.”

“Your queen is anything but submissive. And you winning this game tonight is out of the question.” She teases back.

“We’ll see,” I mutter.

“You’ll see.” She winks at me as we continue the game.

A few more moves pass between us. The intensity of the game continues to build. We exchange sly smiles, the unspoken challenge fuelling our competitive spirits as we continue to battle it out on the chessboard. Now it’s my turn to strike, and I sweep aside one of her white pawns, capturing it skillfully.

Our eyes lock, and I catch a mischievous glint in her gaze again. I rub my fingers over my jawline, leaning back and waiting for her to take off her satin robe. I am yearning to know what sweet surprise awaits me. Thankfully, she doesn’t delay and gets up from her chair to do the honours. As soon as she unties the sash around her waist and slides the satin robe off her body, my eyes glue onto what she’s wearing underneath with intense hunger—a short, semi-transparent floral lace camisole and matching shorts, showing off her bare midriff and legs. She’s dressed to kill, distracting the king’s focus, and she’s pretty successful already.

I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head, but I’m not able to utter a single word. Meher returns to her seat to resume the game, and deliberately crosses her legs to reveal her smooth, creamy legs. The fact that she makes no attempt to cover herself from me is enough to leave me speechless and panting for more.

The queen’s grace is noteworthy, but when it’s topped with boldness, it has the power to bring down even the mightiest of king to his knees.

My patience is barely hanging by a thread as I watch Meher lean down to move her chess pieces, taking her own sweet time to think about her next move. Every time she is lost in making that decision, she bites her lower lip, the very lip that I should be nibbling and kissing,not her. Meher probably hears my ragged breath and bends even further, showing off her tempting cleavage. Her subtle acts of seducing me are intensifying my need to touch her.

We shouldn’t be playing this game right now and wasting time. We should be making love instead - sweet, dark and sensual love, the kind that neither of us will forget.

The game continues. It’s becoming difficult to keep my eyes off my wife, who is leaving no stone unturned to grab my attention. She reaches for the bottle of water on the side and starts drinking it, only to spill some water on her neck. I know she’s teasing me intentionally because of the way she says‘Oops’followed by a seductive grin while slowly and suggestively wiping the wetness from her neck and cleavage without breaking eye contact with my hungry gaze. Having her so close to me, accessible in every way, yet showing patience and not touching her is a punishment in itself. The urgency to finish this game and to make her lose the next move gets stronger with each passing moment.

She knows winning against me is impossible, but she is still trying every trick in the book to make me lose my focus and keep my eyes on her instead of the game. However, what she doesn’t know is that even if my eyes are on her, my mind is still focused on the board and the game.

Minutes later, I use my black rook to give a checkmate to Meher’s white king. Meher’s jaw drops in surprise. I bet she hadn’t expected me to give her a checkmate so soon, had she? Although Meher still has a few options available on the board to counter this checkmate and avoid losing, I am more interested in observing how she handles this play of striptease further.

The clock ticks as I meet her gaze once again, my heart thundering in my chest, wanting to see her strip more of those layers of clothing from her body.

I raise my eyebrow challengingly, waiting for her to show some more of that silky smooth skin. Meher gets up from her seat, accepting the challenge, but the expression on her face tells me she is not going to give in so easily. Turning her back to me, she seductively slides one of the spaghetti straps off her shoulder. I gasp, not caring if she hears it. Meher has that effect on me. She’s teasing me to the hilt. Trying to get a grip on myself, my gaze lingers lazily on the rest of her body—her slender neck, toned back and sexy waist before my eyes drop to her long legs. F*ck! She’s the epitome of gorgeousness. And she’s mine. My patience level is diminishing rapidly as I stare at her body like a predator, deciding which part of his prey he should eat first.

“I think this is stuck,” Meher says, turning around and drawing my attention to her sexy back, where the thin straps entwine in a cross.

She peers at me over her shoulder, urging me in a sultry voice. “Can you come over and help me remove it?” she purrs.

That’s it! I lose my patience. She’s lured me enough tonight. I know the moment I touch her, even to help her strip off, we won’t be playing this damn game anymore. So, why not end this pain right here? Feeling increasingly desperate, I quickly rise from my chair, and the force of my movement sends it toppling backward. Shit! I ignore that and move towards Meher in just two swift strides.

“F*ck the game,” I groan before sliding my arm around her waist and picking her off the floor. I carry her to the bed with me. I lay her down on the bed and hover on top of her, rolling her camisole above her head and taking it off her. She giggles at my reaction. Minx! It wasn’t stuck at all. This was Meher’s attempt to make me lose both my patience and the game. She definitely succeeded, but I don’t mind it at all. I’m about to kiss her when she stops me.
