Page 63 of The Maze

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“Uncle, I’m sorry you encountered a terrible accident like this. But I assure you that Dad has nothing to do with it. I know Ayaan has traced Dad’s car, which rammed your vehicle that day, but he wasn’t the one driving it. And I believe he wouldn’t let anyone else do this either.”

“I know, Meher,” Dad replies, patting her hand. “I know what Pratap is capable of and what he isn’t.”

For the first time in my life, I am unable to read the sentiments or understand the meaning behind Dad’s remark. Although he claims that Pratap Walia was not responsible for his accident, his tense jaw and angry expression suggest otherwise.

“Let’s not talk about the accident right now,” he says to divert the subject. “I’m ecstatic knowing you are going to be Ayaan’s life partner. I’m eagerly looking forward to the day when you and I team up to take on Ayaan’s occasional dominance, especially when he insists on having things his way. Let’s see how he handles both of us together,” he grins mischievously.

Meher smiles too, and I can’t help but do the same. Dad surely knows how to lighten the mood, and his words only make me realise how much I missed him when he was in a coma.

“Meher, you have been a wonderful addition to our lives, and I can’t wait to see you officially become a part of the Shergill family,” Dad adds with a proud smile.

Meher gives me a cold look before looking at Dad again.

“Uncle, I… I haven’t said yes to the marriage yet,” she replies.

“Then say ‘Yes’ now,” I suggest. “Who is stopping you?”

There is complete silence as Meher meets my gaze again, her eyes throwing daggers at me. From the looks of it, she is not going to give me the pleasure of her acceptance of the marriage proposal anytime soon. As if Dad senses the bitterness between us, he pats Meher’s hand again, the one he has been holding ever since she sat next to him.

“You two are meant to be together, Meher,” Dad says, his voice full of wisdom. “Sometimes life takes unexpected turns, and people make mistakes. But it’s through these bumps in the road that we learn, grow and give our loved ones second chances. That’s the way we live life. Making mistakes, learning from them and taking chances. Ayaan didn’t trust you when you needed him to, but what would you do if you had been in his position and all the evidences were against him?”

Meher looks at Dad as though mulling over his words.

“Yes, Ayaan made some impulsive choices when his father was fighting for his life and death, and the woman he loved stood against him. Despite that, his love for you didn’t fade. Think about it, Meher. Don’t make things too hard for both of you. Now I am fine, and Ayaan is ready to retract the allegations he made against Pratap. I think it’s high time you two sort out your problems and move forward. All these ups and downs in life are temporary. Don’t ruin your chance at love because of these temporary hiccups. Life has given us all a second chance. Let’s make the most of it. Okay?”

I am touched by Dad’s words. He doesn’t know how ruthless I have been with Meher in the past few days. She didn’t deserve it. Meher puts on a weak smile and gets up from the bed.

“Please take care of yourself, uncle. I’ll come again to meet you,” she assures, kissing the back of his palm.

“I hope the next time our meeting will be in Shergill Mansion. I’m done with staying here in the hospital.” Dad complains.

She nods in agreement before stepping behind and waving at him. “I’ll pray for your speedy recovery, uncle. Take care. Bye.”

Meher leaves the room, leaving me in suspense about what she has decided about my proposal. I hope she’ll soon realise that my love is greater than any misunderstanding and say yes tous.


My guards press the button of the elevator while I wait next to them, checking my phone.

“When arewemeeting again?” Ayaan’s voice startles me, and I freeze.

My guards immediately surround me, ready to protect me, but I gesture for them to back off. I need to talk to Ayaan without causing a scene here.

“It’s fine,” I tell them, and they reluctantly withdraw, leaving me alone with Ayaan. I can sense the intensity of his presence as he approaches, standing only a foot away from me. It’s always like this when we’re close; the magnetic pull between us is impossible to ignore.

“I thought you were here to sayyes,” he murmurs, his piercing gaze on my face.

“I might have said yes if you hadn’t turned the proposal into a cold-blooded deal,” I retort, crossing my arms across my chest defensively.

“That deal was for your father, not you,” he counters, pulling me closer by my arms. “I only wanted to give your father a reason not to interfere in our relationship. I wanted it to be a win-win situation, so we both got what we wanted. Do you think your father would have agreed to our marriage if it wasn’t beneficial to him?” I ask. “No, Meher. He would never let us get together, and I’m done living like this.Without you.”

I look into his eyes and see the sincerity there, a stark contrast to the manipulative attitude he displayed at the Walia House.

Ayaan takes a step closer, his expression serious.

“You know how much I hate him, yet I’m willing to help him repair his reputation. I can completely erase his public image in no time, Meher. Don’t you see how this is only going to benefit him?”

I relax a little, but I’m still not entirely convinced. Ayaan’s thumb strokes my cheeks as he continues.
