Page 83 of The Maze

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Ayaan continues, his eyes locking onto bhabhi.

“I called him here so you two to meet and resolve whatever issues you both still have. It’s time you considered giving Aksh another opportunity, Devika. Despite his hatred towards Pratap Walia, there’s no denying his love for you. You know better than anyone else that he has always been a devoted husband to you. And I’ve even heard that he apologised to Meher for his past deeds. I believe he deserves a second chance.”

My King is presenting his enemy Aksh’s case in front of bhabhi so they can reunite. All because of me. To see me happy. Can Ayaan get more lovable than this? My heart is filled with love for this man, who is my soulmate in every sense. Bhabhi’s gaze remains fixed on Ayaan as if contemplating his words.

“And I am not doing this for Aksh,” Ayaan’s voice softens, “but for my Queen, Meher. Your unresolved issues are affecting her. She wants the entire Walia family to be together during the best day of her life—her wedding. And I want to give her that. Despite my own differences with Aksh and the slim chances of us reconciling in the future, I still contacted him and informed him of your presence here. This is his chance to mend things if he chooses…and yours too.”

His words strike a chord, and I feel overwhelmed with emotion. I glance at Devika bhabhi, who is frozen in place, her face betraying her vulnerability. Ayaan’s love for me goes beyond just us—it extends to the well-being of the people I love and who are my family. I look at Ayaan, deeply moved and impressed by his thoughtfulness. It’s a genuine reflection of a man deeply in love, someone who can navigate even the most complex situations with his adversaries for the woman he cares about.

Devika bhabhi’s eyes glisten with unshed tears, her emotions too raw to hide. I can feel the tension and emotion in the air. Ayaan’s conviction and Aksh’s longing for redemption collide in a powerful way. And then, as if giving into a long-held desire, Aksh bhai steps forward and envelops Devika bhabhi in a tight embrace. He kisses the top of her head, drawing her tighter into his embrace.

“Devika, I am so sorry.” Aksh bhai’s words linger in the air, heavy with emotion. Bhabhi gently pulls away, attempting to distance herself, but he holds onto her arms, his grip steadfast as he implores her.

“Please don’t walk away,” his voice quivers with longing. “I’ve missed you terribly, and I’m deeply sorry for everything. I realise I’ve been far from the man you deserve. But I promise to be a good husband and an even better father. Devika, I am trying to change, and I will prove it with my actions, not words. Please come back home with me so you can see for yourself that I am a changed man. I love you so much.”

Her gaze finally meets his on hearing his heartfelt plea.

“I need you back in my life, Devika. You are my anchor, my sanity. I want to grow wiser with you. No matter how successful I may become, it will all feel hollow and futile without you,” his voice trembles with emotion. “Please give me one chance. Please forgive me. Give me an opportunity to care for you and welcome our beautiful baby together. I promise to make everything right. Please.”

Bhabhi’s tears flow freely as she hears his apology. Aksh bhai then stands with his arms outstretched, just like his favourite actor Shah Rukh Khan, and with a heart full of emotions, she succumbs to his embrace, holding him tightly. Their connection is immediate, their pain and longing evident. My own eyes well up as I witness this joyous moment unfold, a reconciliation that’s been pending for a long time.

I watch their raw display of emotions with awe. In fact, I’m stunned as I have never seen Aksh bhai openly and vulnerably expressing his love, pain and guilt. His eyes and demeanour show the depth of his feelings, revealing a side of him I hadn’t seen before. Their embrace is a testament to second chances and healing wounds. The two people I care about are taking steps to come together, all because of Ayaan’s selfless gesture. Ayaan’s willingness to bridge the gap, and his ability to see beyond the enmity, showcases the depth of his love, creating a memory that will forever be etched in my heart.

Aksh bhai slowly pulls away from the embrace, his lips lingering on Devika’s forehead for a moment longer.

“How’s your health?” he asks softly, concern lacing his voice.

A playful smile tugs at Devika’s lips, “Your baby is making me hungry all the time. I’m famished even as we speak.”

He laughs. I’m elated to see my brother laugh like this with such ease. Otherwise, he had been moody and was sulking alone the past few weeks after bhabhi had left. He gently draws Devika closer, his eyes twinkling with happiness.

“Then let me not waste any more time to feed you both. Let’s go.”

She nods in agreement, and their gaze turns towards me and Ayaan. I grin widely, my own tears drying as I witness their reunion.

“It feels so good seeing you both together again. Bhai, I hope you’re taking bhabhi straight home after treating her to whatever she craves in her favourite restaurant.”

He pulls Devika even closer, his expression holding a promise, and he nods.

“She’s going nowhere but straight to Walia House.”

Bhabhi playfully pats my cheeks, her joy evident as she looks at me. Then, her attention shifts to Ayaan, and her expression softens.

“Thank you, Ayaan,” she says. “Your decision to marry Meher has unexpectedly given Aksh and me a chance to mend our relationship. I might have taken longer to move on and embrace this new phase, but your actions have expedited the process. We will always be grateful for what you have done for us today, Ayaan. Thank you from both of us.”

A smile tugs at Ayaan’s lips, but before he can respond, Aksh interjects.

“You don’t need to thank him on behalf of both of us. I can express my gratitude just fine,” he replies edgily.

He turns to Ayaan, his expression hinting at a tinge of arrogance, “I do appreciate what you did today, but that doesn’t mean our past differences are forgotten.”

Ayaan rolls his eyes and replies sarcastically.

“Why am I not surprised? After all, you’re Aksh Walia, not someone who has a 'Ghajini' memory to erase our bitter past,” Ayaan teases in a light-hearted tone, giving his reply to Aksh bhai a touch of Bollywood flair, before turning his focus back to me. “And as it is, the Walias always had a reputation for being stubborn when it came to apologising for their mistakes or granting forgiveness to others.”

My mouth drops open as I realise Ayaan is indirectly taunting me for not forgiving him for our previous misunderstandings.

Aksh sighs, clearly wanting to avoid any further confrontation over this and says to me, “Come. Let’s go home.”
