Page 84 of The Maze

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“I’ll drop her home,” Ayaan interjects, his tone determined.

Aksh bhai is about to reply but Devika steps in, her voice gentle yet firm.

“Give the couple some ‘me’time, Aksh. Besides, he’s going to be her husband in a week. Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to get used to seeing Meher with Ayaan now.”

Ayaan’s grin widens while Aksh huffs before finally relenting. He nods at me, takes Devika’s hand and they leave. As the tension dissipates, a sense of relief washes over me.


Ayaan leads me to his vehicle, and I slide into the front seat, feeling the soft leather beneath me. He shuts the door and moves around the car, his long strides captivating me. As he settles into the driver’s seat, his gaze meets mine, his dark eyes shining with mischief at being alone with me at last. He starts the car and begins to reverse effortlessly, using only his wrist and palm to manoeuvre the steering wheel. And holy hell! I’m melting again, witnessing his expertise in reversing the car with such grace and oomph.

It’s an art, a display of his skills, and it never fails to stir something deep within me. I stare at him as he starts manoeuvering the car backwards, with a deft movement of his wrist, his strong hand gently resting on the wheel while the other is on the gear stick. The way he handles the vehicle with such finesse, as if it’s an extension of himself, is extremely sexy. My cheeks warm with a tell-tale blush, a reaction I can’t hide, even though I try my best to conceal it. There is something in the way he drives, especially when he reverses his car, that makes me melt into a puddle of desire.

A playful glint dances in his eyes, and I know he’s noticed me staring at him, and he also knows why. Damn him!!

“You know what, Meher?” he begins. “You can tell me that you find me irresistible when I reverse the car like this.” He presses his hand against my knee, the touch firm yet gentle.

He must have definitely seen the traitorous blush on my cheeks. Ayaan Shergill sees everything, and what he doesn’t see, his intuition tells him. And he’s not the one to let an opportunity to tease me slip by.

“You don’t have to control yourself, Meher. C’mon, out with the praise.”

His fingers stroke my skin over the fabric of my jeans. I push his hand away from my knee, my touch a bit more forceful than I intended.

“Don’t fish for compliments,” I reply, my voice steady despite enjoying his teasing. “And eyes on the road, Mr. Shergill.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Ayaan chuckles, a low and throaty sound that sends shivers down my spine. He keeps his attention on the road with a grin plastered on his face.

The car moves forward smoothly, and I can’t help but steal glances at the man beside me. His wit, his confidence, his love, and the way he handles everything—including me—is undeniably attractive!

I shift my gaze away, and it’s then that I realise my fingers are unconsciously toying with the black beaded bracelet on my wrist—the very bracelet embedded with a discreet tracker.

“Did you ever track me before that abduction?” I ask curiously.

Ayaan looks at me as I raise my arm and point at the bracelet. He denies it firmly.

“I didn’t have to. That day was an exception. You weren’t answering my calls, and I told you I had this strange premonition telling me you were in danger. That’s why I asked Krish to track you that night.”

I nod in understanding and continue to run my fingers over the bracelet’s beads. Ayaan’s free hand reaches for mine, our fingers intertwining effortlessly.

“Just keep wearing it for me, Meher,” he requests. “For my peace of mind. So that I know you are safe.”

How could I possibly refuse such a sincere request? I tighten my grip on our handhold, silently acknowledging his words.

Minutes later, Ayaan smoothly parks his car at the entrance of the Walia House, and I step out. Ayaan, too, gets down from the car. I’m about to make my way inside the house when he grips my arm and suddenly pulls me to him. His back is against the car door, and I find myself leaning into his rock-hard body, using his arms as support.

I swallow hard, my fingers gripping the edge of his jacket almost involuntarily.

“Ayaan, behave,” I manage to whisper, my voice tinged with a mixture of anticipation and a feeble attempt at sternness. He smirks in response, indicating he does not intend to heed my request.

“Behave? Have I ever held back when it came to kissing you, regardless of the time or place?” he retorts, the mischievous glint in his eyes daring me to challenge him.

“Besides, it’s thrilling to kiss you inside the premises of Walia House,” he purrs, the warmth of his breath grazing my skin. “Let my father-in-law witness just how much his daughter is loved by his son-in-law.”

My cheeks burn with embarrassment. I can’t let Dad see us like this. I grit my teeth, unwilling to be easily swept away by his playful taunts.

“No way,” I fire back, my resolve firm, or at least I try to make it sound like it. “I am not going to indulge in PDA before my family, and I’m not letting you transform the Walia House into a stage for your romantic displays. Also, I don’t want to let my father see something so... inappropriate.”

His grin widens with a gleam of challenge in his eyes. “Liar,” he murmurs huskily, his fingers gently tracing circular patterns on my back. “I can see the desperation in your eyes, Meher.”

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