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Joyce takes the microphone, smiling, clearly nervous. I chant to myself ‘please don’t giggle,’ and just hope for the best. Apparently, it works, because it’s with poise and dignity that she gets started on her speech.

“I was supposed to be graduating a year and a half ago. Life got in the way,” she giggles briefly, but some members of the audience laugh with her. “That made me think about the adversities we face in our lives, and how hard we fight to reach our dreams and be happy.”

She continues, “No one gets there alone. There’s an old saying, ‘If you want to go far, go with company,’ meaning that without building a safety net around us, life is harder and more difficult. Whenever I thought I was fighting alone, I remembered that I had my family by my side, and I’m not speaking of just blood relatives. I’m talking about classmates, co-workers, friends, partners.”

She raises her eyes, maybe looking for me. I wave and feel ridiculous the moment when she doesn’t notice me.

“To those of my classmates who are lucky enough to have found their safety nets, I wish you all the best. But to those of you who are yet to find it, I wish all the best in finding them, because life will only open in front of you as you explore the world and find those in whom to trust. Thank you.”

Applause takes the place over, and instinctively, I stand, causing others around me to do the same. I can tell it’s a surprise to Joyce when she receives a standing ovation, and not even the tears in her eyes can hide the huge smile on her face.

The dean thanks her and announces that the diplomas will be handed out now. One by one, students come, now becoming alumni, ready for the next step of the rest of their lives.

When Joyce’s turn comes, I make sure that more applause comes her way, and finally, she comes to join us off-stage.

“Did you see me?” she asks, hugging her mother, who’s in happy tears.

“I saw you, Joy, we all did!” Cora says, holding tight to Joyce. “I’m so proud of you!”

She receives congratulations from every member of the family, and I wait for my turn, the only man surrounded by women.

When she finally comes to me, Joyce holds me and kisses me with happiness and pride on her face. She embraces me sideways because of her belly, but I’m getting used to it. It is going to be temporary, but I’ll sure miss it when the time is over.

“Thank you for the final push,” she says, looking at me lovingly in the eyes. “I wouldn’t be here without you.”

“Thank you for accepting my help.” I hold her hand to my chest. “Oh, and speaking of thanks, here’s your gift!”

I let her go and reach into my pocket, where I remove the box and open it for her. Joyce looks from the watch to me, full of disbelief.

She finally asks, “How dare you?” as if it’s a single word.

“May this be something as precious to you as it is in value. Maybe something you can pass to your daughter when she graduates too,” I say, taking the jewel out of the box to put it around her wrist.

“This is too much, Logan!” She keeps on being incredulous. “There wasn’t anything more discreet?”

I finish putting the watch on her wrist, and she shows it to everybody. Anna, especially, looks at it with soft envy mixed with wonder only a child can accomplish.

“Okay, where are we are going now?” Sophia asks, blunt as always.

“To take some pictures, then lunch,” I say, and take the first step toward the exit.

Joyce clings to one of my arms, and Jane on the other.

“I don’t want to see the two of you fighting ever again, understood?” I say, looking at them both with my best stern face.

“Sir, yes, sir!” They say it in unison, and start to giggle the very next second.



Itisgoingtobe a morning wedding, so I’ve been awake since 6 AM, doing hair and make-up, and checking on the final details of the ceremony.

We’re back at the hotel, and Carol waits in our room with Anna and Penelope, both asleep. Anna just turned six, Penelope is eight months old, and I feel like I’ve aged a million years since she was born.

But every second was worth it.

“It’s time to feed her, but I don’t want to wake her up…” I frown, looking at my baby peacefully sleeping in the crib provided by the hotel.
