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“Oh, oh!” Anna points at us both, all excited. “Then you’re a rooster and a hen!”

She drops on her back and feels her tummy, laughing. I lean down and start to tickle her, which only increases her giggles.

“And what are you, huh? A little chicken?”

Anna begs me to stop, and I do, if only to look at Joyce and steal a kiss from her giggling lips.

“Aren’t we late?” I straighten myself up and ask. Today is an important day and I don’t want to be the one to ruin it.

“I was waiting for Jane, but I don’t know. Let me call her,” and Joyce excuses herself to make the phone call.

“I have something to show you!” I whisper to Anna, and she looks at me with curious eyes, and fists in her mouth, chewing on her knuckles.

“Stop this first,” I continue, removing her hands from her mouth. Then I put a hand in my pocket and pull out an elongated box covered in black velvet.

“Is it another ring?” Anna asks, giddy.

“No, baby,” I open the box, revealing the work of art inside. “It’s a watch.”

The watch is made from platinum and studded with thousands of pink diamonds, with rubies on the face marking the cardinal points.

“Oh, it’s so pretty!” Anna’s eyes gleam as if with fairy dust. “It’s a gift for Joyce? I want a gift too!”

“Yes, it is,” I say. “And you’ll get a gift on Christmas, which isn’t too far away now!”

Anna considers my words, then nods with a smile. Joyce is finishing the call and coming back towards us.

“But do you think Joyce will like the watch?” I whisper to her.

“Are you talking about me, hmm?” Joyce asks.

My daughter gives me a thumbs up, and I answer, “Nothing. Just gifts to be given.”

“Logan!” Joyce says, raising her tone. “I told you that you didn’t need to buy me anything!”

“But I did,” I blow her a kiss. “And what about Jane?”

She agrees to change the subject, and with a nod says, “Jane says she’ll meet us there with mom, Gabby, and Sophia. So, let’s go!”

Urging us to stand with a wide gesture of her hands, Joyce leads the way to the garage, her cap and gown in hand.

We arrive at the college campus, quickly finding our way to the auditorium, where Joyce vanishes from my sights to go join the other graduating students.

I keep my eyes peeled for Jane and the rest of the women, and they arrive about ten minutes later when the ceremony is just about to start.

“Did Joyce speak yet?” Cora asks, searching everywhere for her daughter.

“No, it just started, Cora,” I say, touching her shoulder in reassurance. “She’ll speak right before the diplomas are given.”

A set of speakers performs short speeches. There’s applause and cheer, but who I really want to see hasn’t shown up yet.

“Oh, there she is!” Gabby points to Joyce, standing at the edge of the stage.

“Where?” Anna stands on her chair. “I want to see!”

“Shh, Anna!” Sophia says, with a gentle finger over her lips. “Sit on my lap. She is about to speak!”

Sophia is turning out to be a great auntie.
