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I know a lot now, from the names of his horses to Harlan’s favorite ice cream flavor, all through texting.

It still doesn’t feel like enough, but it’s enough to make me feel more comfortable with him.

“What if he’s a psycho?” she turns to me with fear in her eyes. “What if he murders you?”

I’m the one giggling now. “Bella, he would have killed me already if he was a murderer. Believe me, he had the chance!”

Bella stops everything and crosses her arms, looking at me with defiance and pride. “When? I know your schedule!”

“The night of the flood!” I say without thinking.

I see my best friend being caught by surprise. “I thought you were with Alex,” she says with her arms crossed.

“He picked me up after Alex and I left the cabin!” I lie, putting on the purple top over my black mesh bra.

“So, you can picture us, alone, late at night: ideal if he really was a serial killer, right?”

“Um, I guess…” she shrugs, clearly struggling to accept my logic.

“So chill, woman. I’m in good hands!” I say with confidence — I might not be sure what the future holds for Alex and me, but I already know that he’s a cinnamon bun, very sweet and adorable, in addition to being sexy.

I don’t want to think too far ahead. I just want to be in the moment. Last time I made plans by thinking too far ahead and getting my hopes up, I got my heart broken, and I refuse to do that again.

I shake my head, trying to clear these obtrusive thoughts of Jamie, my ex.

I barely finish using my curling iron to fix my hair, when I hear the sound of a car horn.

Bella goes straight for the window to admire the vehicle. “Um, Alfa Romeo… The guy has taste!” and she fans herself.

I take a peek through the window as well, and for a moment, I’m afraid it’s not him. He said he’d come in a different car and one that Bella wouldn’t recognize. And it’s not like he can come greet me at the door.

“Okay, I’m going!” I kiss Bella goodbye. “I should be home early!”

She walks me to the door and off I go into the night. It’s already getting dark at six, and I’ve been nervous about staying out at night by myself in the city since the gun incident. I shake my concerns away, knowing I’ll be safe with Alex by my side. Right now, all I want to focus on is spending time with him.

I hesitate for a moment before opening the door and, to my surprise, he opens it for me first. From inside, he leans over and opens the door for me, still safely hidden in the car and away from Bella’s prying eyes.

“Goodnight, beautiful,” Alex says in his delightfully sensual voice, causing goosebumps. “You look incredible!”

“Your sister dressed me,” I say as I sit inside, enjoying the musky sexy smell of his cologne.

He immediately starts to laugh. “That’s heartless!” he says, starting up the engine.

“I said I didn’t need help, but she insisted,” I say in my defense.

“She’s a good friend,” Alex says with enthusiasm.

“She is…” I look at my hands over my lap. “I feel bad for hiding all of this from her.”

Alex glances at me with understanding and gives me a small smile. “Once we’re clear on where we stand, we can come clean to her.”

Now, both of us stare ahead, lost in our thoughts—me contemplating, and him, focused on the road.

“Are we ready to define what we are?” I ask, genuinely confused.

At a red light, he leans in, gently brushing a strand of hair away, and winks at me. “That's entirely up to you, my dear…”

“Um…” I brace myself, “You really know how to put me on the spot…”
