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He frowns and shakes his head. “She didn’t want to go to the doctor. She didn’t think it was a big deal and that she’d get better on her own. I pushed her to finally go after almost two weeks of this and it was at this time that we realized the severity of her sickness. She had gotten pneumonia.”

At this point, a tear falls down his face and when I go to wipe it away, he pulls away and just shakes his head.

“I blame myself sometimes. Why didn’t I just take her to the doctor sooner, you know? I mean, she was young and healthy. I’d never thought in a million years something like that would happen.”

“I’m so sorry, Alex,” I whisper, trying desperately to comfort him.

He gives me a tiny smile and wipes his eyes again.

“It was awful watching her like that, seeing her struggle to breathe and being in denial about it most of the time. Harlan doesn’t even really remember her—”

At this, he sobs, and I just hold him close as he lets it out, tears falling from my eyes too.

He sits back up and I grab a tissue from the box on his bedside table. He takes it appreciatively and I grab one for myself too.

“It’s good to talk about this. I haven’t in so long and it is good to let it out.”

He hugs me and continues, “These past four years I have just focused on my son and business and lost myself in philanthropic efforts. I do it to honor her. My non-profit is named after her. It’s the Rebecca Winters Foundation.”

My heart swells. “That is amazing. Her memory and passion for service lives on.”

He nods. “That is how I see it too. She would have loved it.”

His eyes meet mine with a piercing look that moves me straight to my core. “But because of you, I now have room in my heart to let someone in again. You shine so bright, Liv. I don’t think you realize what a star you are.”

And now I’m the one crying, and he pulls me in, kissing me on the top of my head.

We stay like that for a while until there’s a knock on the door again and Harlan says through the door, “Dad, can we have breakfast now?”

We pull away from each other, chuckling and wiping away tears.

“Thanks for your patience, buddy! Give me three minutes and I will join you in the kitchen.”

I hear Harlan’s footfalls as he walks away, and Alex and I slowly get dressed.

He looks up at me, looking adorably sexy with his messy hair, and says, “Are you sure you don’t want to stay for breakfast?”

I smile but nod affirmatively. “I want to give Harlan time to get used to me being around. Maybe next time, okay?”

He smiles gently and reaches for my hand. “Fair. Do you need a ride?”

“No, thank you,” I sit, then stretch my arms upward and start doing a visual search for my clothes. “I’ll just call a car.”

“Are you sure?” he splays a palm to the ceiling. “I can feed Harlan and we’ll take you there.”

“And have Harlan see you driving me over to his aunt’s apartment?” I pick up my panties and quickly put them on.

“Good point. He knows you two live together,” he places a hand on his chin, thinking.

“Yeah, it’s already enough that he saw me yesterday and this morning. How good is he at keeping secrets?” I ask, putting on my leggings.

On his way to the closet to take out a robe, Alex snickers in response to my question “He does his best, but his best is not always quite enough.”

“Hopefully we can keep Bella from finding out for now.” I put on my skirt and continue my visual search. “Did you see my blouse?”

He tosses me the purple blouse from off the floor by his side of the bed. I put it on, then put on my boots and grab my phone and purse.

“Take me to the front door, big guy?” I ask, begging him for another kiss.
