Page 27 of On the Plus Side

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SarahEditsThings4 months ago

SAME @Annette98.

I refuse to believe the producers had Alicia play up the drama with her straight-sized twin sister.

There’s already so much actual fatphobia in the world. The show would not fabricate more.

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FarmGyrlME4 months ago

damn straight

they should do an episode on this forum if they need some fatphobia fodder

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“Should I even be watching this?”

On the Plus Side’s season-three premiere special was set to drop at 8:00P.M., which, according to Becca’s chicken-shaped clock, was mere minutes away.

Everly wedged herself between Bagel and Cream Cheese on the enormous ivory-colored sectional in the living room. The blank screen of the TV gaped at her, like the Grim Reaper waiting for his moment.

“This is like being a musician who listens to their own albums or something.” Narcissistic at best. Masochistic at worst. Painful either way.

Becca huffed next to her as she attempted to tame her chin-length blond bob into something akin to a bun at the top of her head. “It’s your premiere. Of course you have to watch.”

“It’s the premierespecial,” Everly clarified. “Logan said it would basically be Jazzy and Stanton talking with some celebrity about the third season. They’re going to introduce the new guests with some clips, but otherwise it’s more about them hyping up the show and getting fans excited.”

Everly did her best to sound nonchalant, but the flush in her cheeks was probably giving her away. It was impossible to say Logan’s name without remembering how he’d reacted when she’d told Jazzy about pulling out of the Collective. Protective, almost. Like he wanted to get into a fistfight with her feelings.

“Ah, yes. Logan. The hot cameraman.” Becca grinned. She hadn’t stopped teasing Everly about her “smoking hot paparazzo” since she’d laid eyes on him at the Wreck-It Room. Her hands fussed with the cuffs of her hoodie, dragging them past her fingers. She’d spent most of high school and half of college doing everything she could to hide her psoriasis. In the last few years, she’d finally realized the skin condition was not something to be embarrassed about, but whenever Becca was excited, she always covered her hands out of habit, even when she wasn’t having a breakout.

“I didn’t say that.”

Becca’s smile turned wicked. “You didn’t have to.”

“He’s my permanent shadow. That’s it.” Maybe if Everly said it out loud enough, it would become true. Because every time she closed her eyes, she saw the heat in Logan’s gaze, the sincerity creasing his face when he’d said she wasn’t too much.

And each time the memory invaded her head, her heart picked up a little more speed. At this rate, it wouldn’t be long before it burst right out of her chest.

She adjusted on the couch, causing Bagel to burrow into her lap. The beast had great aspirations to be a lapdog, and Everly could never deny him, even if it meant her thighs would go numb in a few minutes. Sinking deeper into the cushions, she dropped her head back and played with his ears. “I was not prepared for how weird it would be to have a camera following me around everywhere.”

“Especially when the guy carrying it is easy on the eyes.”

“Oh my god, stop.”

Becca put on her Oliver Twist act, her light brown eyes becoming giant orbs of innocence. “I’m a married lady. I need to live vicariously through someone.”

“Oh yes, because eight months of marriage makes you a rusty old ball and chain.”
