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“Ughh,” I groan. “Why don’t we go swimming instead? That’s a good workout, right?”

“Fine. But I’m swimming laps, so don’t get in my way.”

I stick my tongue out and wait for him to leave the theater before going to my room to change into my swimsuit. I’m not sure if I’m ready to say forever to him, but I sure as hell know I want to fuck him more than I’ve wanted anything. In high school, we talked about our future and confessed our teenage-angsty love, but we never saidforever.

It’s already late in the evening, and I grab a snack and drink before heading out to the pool. Elijah is already swimming laps around the pool, the steam rising above his moving body as he goes back and forth down the invisible lanes.

Snow trickles from the cloudy night sky and sizzles as it hits the chlorinated water. I finish my food and open the sliding door, making my way down the steps, shivering as I do. The water is a welcomed sensation on my goose-bump riddled skin. Elijah doesn’t stop once to look at me, not even to admire my thong bikini that’s slightly uncomfortable and a size too small. I’m a bit self-conscious about the size of my ass and the small amount of pudge on my lower stomach. I’ve never been a tiny girl, always somewhere in the middle, but it’s never stopped me from wearing what I want. For some reason, around Elijah, I have the urge to cover my insecurities, starting with my stomach as I ease into the water and cover myself in the warm goodness it offers.

Even though he’s about seven or eight inches taller than me, I still feel like I have something to prove in terms of femininity. Growing up, being feminine meant being the smallest and shortest, almost like a child. But as I grew, my ass, breasts, and hips grew with me into the undeniable body of a curvaceous woman. Mom was a bit surprised, of course, since she is a petite woman, but I get it from Dad, who staggers above six feet and carries himself at over 250 lbs. I guess the girls in my family like big boys. I can only imagine how big my children would be if Elijah and I had kids. Little monsters.

Elijah swims past me, barely making a splash as he glides around the water like a professional. I doggy paddle to the deep end and he laps me twice, despite my considerable efforts to swim faster than usual. By the time he stops swimming, I’ve been floating on my back, swirling around the pool patiently. The snow coats the bare parts of my body sticking up out of the water, pinpricking me as it does. I like to watch the snow gently fall into the water and evaporate. But I especially like to watch the way it falls on Elijah’s chest as he approaches me from the shallow end.

He’s out of breath, and his hair is glistening in snow and water, swished back over his head like he gelled it. He’s giving me 1950’s bad boy vibes and I love it.

Without saying a word, he presses his body against mine, leaving me suddenly breathless against his touch. He reaches behind my back and unties my swim top, pulling it over my head before I have a say.

My pointed nipples poke halfway out of the water, cold from the snow. His eyes eat up every inch of my nakedness in a way that makes me squeeze my thighs, feeling the downpour starting to begin.

“Your turn,” I say, as he pulls my legs around his waist, my arms automatically finding their way around his neck.

“Beautiful,” he murmurs, inching my legs up his abdomen until he takes a nipple and sucks it into his mouth. I fling my head back, instantly rushed into intense pleasure as he sucks and nips at the pointed peak. His teeth graze the sensitive skin, my pulsating pussy screams and begs for more.

With his free hand, he rubs the outside of my swim bottom, right over my clit, turning me into a moaning mess. He hungrily moves from one breast to the other, licking away as I dig my hands into his wet hair.

“Elijah…” I groan, about to promise him forever just as the lights above us turn on in the parents’ room. He pulls away to look and presses my bare chest into his, hiding my exposed body.

“Another time, then,” he whispers, pulling away and handing me my top.



It’s been a week since I almost promised Elijah forever in the pool. I sort of wish I did, too, because I haven’t seen him at all since then. He’s been busy with hockey and school; so much so that I have been forced to think about things other than his body.

I walk home from a shift at Sacred Grounds, pulling my parka hood over my head and zipping it all the way up to my neck. The snow is coming down hard, but people still want their coffee, especially the seasonal peppermint mochas. I’ve saved up enough money to buy everyone in the family a decent present, including Stephanie and Olive. Even though I fucked up last month, they’ve been treating me like family ever since.

It’s a tradition for me to go out and buy gifts, despite the convenience of shopping from home. It feels more personal going into local stores and finding hand-crafted gifts. It also tells a story, instead of justI clicked the button, and it arrived yesterday.

I asked Stephanie and Olive to join me for some shopping in Old Town tomorrow. The place is filled with cute shops and Christmas festivities over the weekend. When I asked, I didn’t realize that they were staying about an hour away at Stephanie’s parents’ place for the holiday break. I’ll have to borrow Dad’s truck or Elijah’s jeep to drive around in this snow, and neither option sounds like an easy request.

After a grueling 30-minute walk in the snow, I make it to the front door, ready to take my last final for the semester. I’ve been kicking ass since working from home, and I’m not worried in the slightest.

I click on the first question of the test, which starts the one-hour timer. One hour until I am officially done for this semester. I scooch back in my seat and read the question.

Q:What decreases as altitude increases in the troposphere?

A: Pressure and Temperature.

I type in my answer before moving on to the next question, and the next until I am done with twenty minutes left over.After giving myself ten minutes to look over my answers, I submit them and await my final grade. I close my laptop, feeling confident that I did a good job. Environmental science means a lot to me. Sometimes, I wish I had what it took to be a vegan, but I love meat too fucking much to even try. I’ll just drive an electric car and reuse my bags in stores.

I step out into the hallway, ready to go downstairs and prepare myself for a good end-of-semester meal, only to run into Elijah.

“Just finished my last class,” I say as he takes his earbuds out, sweat dripping down his face. He gives me a thumbs up and reaches for his door.

“Wait. Can I borrow your car tomorrow?”

He sighs, swiping the sweat off his forehead. “Why?”

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