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“Bibio,” Olive answers.

“We should all totally go soon. Maybe we can go after the first hockey game?”

I don’t mean to turn down Stephanie's offer, but I decide to be honest with her. “I don’t really watch hockey.”

She seems surprised by my response, but gathers herself a moment later.

“Well, that needs to change because we’re regulars. And why not? Hot guys, free admission, violence. It’s all too good to pass up.”

“I don’t know…” The last thing I need is Elijah seeing me in the stands at one of his games, thinking I’m cheeringhimon. But…I could always make itabundantlyclear that this isn’t the case. Possibly by wearing the opposing team’s jersey to the game, which I’m sure he’d love..

I laugh deviously, picturing how things might play out, and the girls are right. Thisistoo good to pass up.

“You know what, actually… I’m totally in.”



Last class of the day—Principles of Macroeconomics.


Nobody expects me to get more than a passing grade. Being a hockey player comes first. Always. School is secondary to my achievements, but I’ll be kicked from the team if my GPA goes lower than a 2.5. I always skirt that line between passing and failing and Coach doesn’t bat an eye. He knows being first line center to the Royals has been a life-long goal of mine, and I’d be fool to fuck it up.

There’s an open seat beside a girl with a huge ass and long lashes. She barely looks my way, but I scoot close to her. “Sup?”

She raises her hand to show off an engagement ring, and I promptly scoot back.

The professor starts his lecture, and I’m already yawning. What use is macroeconomics to a hockey player? Seriously, I don’t even know why I bother to show up. After a grueling 90 minutes, I head to the locker room to change for practice, passing Levi as he stands by the door, flirting with two girls. He doesn’t bother acknowledging me as I slip past them and head toward my locker at the back of the room.

We get changed, grab our gear, then head to the rink. After tying my size 12 ice skates, I glide across the crisp ice, bowing down to thank my favorite teammate: Zamboni.

During the first thirty minutes, we practice drills and go over the basics of how to avoid icing, how the wall is our friend, and how the penalty box is not something to be proud of. Blah blah blah. Girls like a guy in the penalty box, but Coach doesn’t. He really, REALLY, doesn’t.

With Levi as my right wing, I usually don’t have too much of a challenge after the first face off. He’s a reliable sidekick, a loyal player. There’s nobody I’d rather have next to me, besides maybe Grayson who takes my left. But Levi is a tad better than Grayson, and I humbly say that I am a tad better than Levi. In the past, I’ve tried to convince Coach to have Grayson as third line. He’s a brute. Only an inch shorter than me but has me beat by thirty pounds. He likes the penalty box a lot, too. A perfect recipe for third line.

After practice, I take a quick shower in the locker room. I hate the feeling of being sweaty, but I’d never tell the guys that. They think it’s some sort of achievement to be the worst smelling in the room. Absolutely foul. Levi steps out of the shower next to me. I can already tell he’s up to no good with the devious look on his face.

“Ok, what is it?” I sigh, drying off my hair in front of the mirror. He drops his towel and walks around me naked, knowing how much I fucking hate that shit.

“So, Taylor, huh?” he smirks, pulling up his underwear and shorts.

“What about her?”

“Is it weird?” he asks.

“No, it’s perfectly peachy, actually. Thanks for asking.” I walk out of the room and put my clothes on and gear in my locker.

“Seriously, man, you doing okay?” he asks, his eyes showing genuine concern. I don’t know how he does that. How he has the ability to read me like a book.

“We live in the same house, and now we’re family.” I sit down on the bench and place my hands in my head. “And she’s so completely different, man. I don’t know how to act around her.”

“She seems nice to me.” Levi shrugs.

“Well, she’s not. She’s the spawn of Satan.”

“Damn, she really broke your heart?”
