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There’s a throbbing in my chest when I hear those words.

“Why would you fucking say that? I just meant she’s an awful human being, asshole.”

Levi’s already laughing at whatever he’s about to say next. “Sounds like you two are real siblings, then,” he jokes. “She can’t be that bad, though. I actually kind of dig her vibe. She’s cool.”

I roll my eyes and stand. “Yeah, well, she won’t be here long, and I mean that shit. As soon as my mom sees that Taylor and her dad are fucking leeches, they’ll be out.”

Levi pats my back. “I believe in you, buddy. Now, let’s go to Bellagio’s. I’m starving.”



I’d say my first day as a junior was successful. I managed to make three friends - maybe four, if I count Levi. Which, I kind of do. I know he’s best friends with Elijah, but they couldn’t be more different. Where Elijah is egoistic, Levi, from what I have seen, is empathetic and personable. A nice yin and yang. Lord knows Elijah needs it.

I sit at the edge of my unmade bed and watch as King slithers around, checking things out. He’s always a curious guy, and really docile. Last year he let me put a top hat on him for all of Halloween. He was a hit with the kids, even Mom seemed to enjoy his presence. His dinner rolls around his stomach with his twists and turns, slowly digesting. That part I have yet to get used to after all these years.

I call Mom and slump back onto my mattress, staring at the ceiling as the day turns to night. We talk about her day and how busy she was at work until we get to my day. I tell her about my friends - she’s surprised I put myself out there. I don’t tell her how I actually was approached by all of them, not the other way around. She’s the only other person besides myself in the family who knows what happened at my last university.

She was there for me when nobody else was. I showed her the fake pictures of me cheating with some random guy. She went on an hour-long rant about how my ass was curvier than that chick’s and how I would never wear my hair in such an ugly ponytail. Although, my signature turquoise glasses could be seen in the picture. I’m not sure how they did that, but I am sure that I don’t want to know. I still have nightmares about the day Jared saw the pictures, and then hit me square in the face in front of the whole football team.

His best friend, Michael, stood there and laughed. I was too shocked to do anything but run out to my car and drive away as fast as I could.

Mom fills the silence by admitting she needs some money to help make rent. Now that I’m not contributing, she is left scrapping. I send her some cash from my account. I can’t keep track if it’s my O.F. money or college money. It doesn’t matter. If she says she needs it, then I’ll give it to her, no questions.

* * *

I wake up thirty minutes earlier today, so I can find a reasonable parking spot on campus. I’m eager to see Derek again and get started on some work. This time, I realize I overshot the time, making me twenty minutes early and hanging outside of class. Derek shows up and stands next to me, a grin on his face.

“You’re here on time,” he jibes.

“What can I say? I’m serious about molecular Environmental Science.”

“I’m surprised by that,” he says.


“I just thought hot girls typically studied, uh, I don’t know. Fashion? Communications?”

I laugh out loud. “So many fucked up things with what you just said.”

He reaches out and grabs my arm. “I’m kidding, of course. I’m a feminist, you know.”

The professor opens the door, and we’re the first two to walk in and take our seats.

“That also sounds like a line,” I say, sitting down and opening my bag.

“Would you be offended if it was?” He leans in closer, his mouth inches from mine.

“No,” I say with a smile. I never back down from a challenge.

After my next class, I find my way to the same bench I sat at yesterday. Today, I packed my lunch: a turkey sandwich and dried mangos. I spot Olive and Stephanie making their way toward me from across the center lawn. They’re in hushed conversation about something.

They sit across from me, and throw their lunches on the table. Stephanie pulls out a dainty salad while making a face at Olive, who grabs a burger.

“What? I just microwaved it. It was a two for the price of one deal last night.”

“You’re something else,” Stephanie says, poking at her salad.
