Page 8 of Rescuing Abbey

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I followed Jax as he trotted around the ranch. He squeezed his way into a pasture, and I decided he knew best. I unlatched the gate and continued to follow his lead. My heart leapt when we crested a small hill. The view from the top was breathtaking. The field opened and lush green spread all around me. In the distance, a cluster of cottonwood trees broke up the landscape. I could make out more pastures and a few lone oak trees, like the one that stood near the top of the hill.

This place was so serene. Even with my sketchbook in hand, I desperately wanted my paints so I could capture all the colors blending the scene into the perfect landscape. I circled the oak tree, finding which angle I liked best. It took a few minutes to decide on one, then I sat with my legs crossed and reclined against the solid trunk.

Jax zoomed around the pasture a few times, barking and enjoying himself, before he plopped on the ground next to me. After a few scratches behind his ears, he was already dozing. He was the perfect companion while I sketched.

It wasn’t long before a few horses strolled into view, and I added them in. One big brown one meandered to where I was sitting to investigate. A snort startled Jax, but he immediately relaxed after a quick look at our guest. With the gorgeous horse so close, I quickly flipped a page and went to work on capturing him on paper. I’d been around Grace and Blake’s horses growing up, but it was peaceful being here alone with the curious gelding. No riding, no training, no expectations… just a calm presence.

It was almost like he sensed it too. After munching on some green grass for a few minutes, the bay horse lay next to the tree, only a few feet away. I smiled and continued my drawing. At times, I scooted closer to the horse to get a better look at a feature and eventually ended up leaning against his strong back instead of the tree. I quickly snapped a selfie on my phone with the intention of sending the picture to the girls, but I still had no service. The bit I’d had before was in the house when Duke had given me the Wi-Fi password during the football game so I could connect for some semblance of communication. Glancing at the time, I realized I’d been drawing almost the entire day, and it had felt amazing.

As I put my phone down, a whistle pierced the air. The horse’s ears flickered, and Jax lifted his head. It sounded again, but neither animal paid any more attention. I laughed. “Is someone calling us?” I asked Jax as he put his head on my leg. “I guess we’ll stay here and wait for him to come to us.”

Not five minutes later, a tall, lean man appeared, walking across the field, and bee-lined in our direction. I didn’t recognize him, but as he got closer, I could see his blond hair was cut short, but not as short as Duke’s. He had on a fitted shirt that hugged his muscles and showcased his runner’s build.

When he got close enough, a smile broke out on his face, stretching from ear to ear. “So you’re the one who is holding my animals hostage.” His words were laced with a dreamy French accent, making me want to swoon.

He stopped a few feet away, but I still had to crane my neck to look at him as he stood over me. For a second, I marveled at how safe I felt with him nearby. “They heard you whistle but decided it was more relaxing to stay here with me.” Where had that come from? I normally didn’t talk to random men, much less flirt with them. It was like he exuded a sense of calm, and the filter that was normally in place was gone.

His smile grew. “I see that. May I ask what you are doing out here?”

I could listen to him talk forever. I let my pointer finger rest on my sketchbook. “Taking in the scenery. What are you doing out here?” I still didn’t know who this guy was, but there was something about him that tugged at my memory.

“I came to look for my new houseguest.” He winked, his smile firmly in place.

Heat flooded my cheeks. This must be Duke’s roommate. He’d mentioned his roommate was away at the horse show with the girls. And if he was here, I had to assume this meant they were back.

Which would mean I wasn’t his houseguest anymore. With my friends back, I’d stay at one of their houses. An ache settled in my chest.

I’d have to leave the comfort of Duke’s house and separate from this sweet pooch keeping me company. Jax had barely left my side since I got here, and his gentle presence was soothing. I kissed the dog’s head and scratched behind his ears before I stood.

“Pardonne-moi. Where are my manners? I’m Liam Kilpatrick.” Liam held out his hand, and I took it. Instead of shaking it like I expected, he lifted the back of my hand to his mouth and placed a light kiss on my knuckles.Holy hotness.Did he just do that? No one had ever kissed my hand like a real gentleman.

“I’m Abbey Kilpatrick.” My voice was far too breathy for my liking. Liam smirked, and I realized what I’d just said. “I mean Abbey Bennet.” Oh shit, that wasn’t right either. I wanted to groan the moment I realized I’d used Duke’s last name.

Liam’s smirk turned into a full-on grin.

“Ugh. Kill me now.” I tried to pull my hand away, but his grip tightened.

“I’d rather not.” His voice rumbled through me, making me shiver.

Taking a deep, calming breath, I tried again. “I’m Abbey Young.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Young.” His eyes held mine as we spoke, creating a sense of intimacy.

My body tingled all over. His voice, his gentle touch, his penetrating golden-honey eyes… They wreaked havoc on my body.

“Abbey, please.” I pulled my hand from his. Without the contact, I was able to breathe again. Just barely. His stare pinned me in place.

“Abbey.” He paused as though gathering his thoughts. Or maybe he was just as affected by my presence as I was by his.

I liked the way my name sounded when he said it. That accent of his probably made every woman turn into a puddle at his feet. I was certainly on my way.

“Are you allergic to anything?” he asked.

“What?” I tilted my head slightly, thrown off by the unexpected question.

“Dinner. Tonight. Seven o’clock. Are you allergic to anything?”

“Umm, pecans. But I thought I’d be staying with Grace or Blake tonight.” I tilted my head to the side.

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