Page 11 of Ruthless Loyalty

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“I don’t know. I didn’t expect this to happen any more than you did.”

“I never should have knocked on your door.”

That hurt way more than it should have. “I’ve got business to attend to. I’ll be back later.”

“You can’t leave me locked up alone!” She gasped as he shut the door and put the padlock in place. “Get back here!”

Sam couldn’t deny that he felt guilty as he slipped on his shoes and left the apartment, but he had things to do. As he headed to the door, he heard the unmistakable sound of breaking glass.

The plate. He’d left it in the room, and she must have thrown it in her anger. He paused and listened as she ranted and the sounds of destruction came from the room. He had no doubt that she was wrecking the place.

He just hoped that helped her to calm down. If he had to sacrifice a few possessions to make her feel better, he figured that was a fair trade.



Sam’s room was trashed,and Lexi was still pissed. She didn’t think she’d ever been this angry before in her life.

It had been a surprise to overhear his conversation about blackmailing the DA, but she was no stranger to this kind of thing. She was still a teenager when her brother joined the mafia in Misso City. She’d been aware of Travis’s illegal activities.

She couldn’t say that she approved of the crimes committed within these organizations, but she didn’t feel like she can judge too harshly considering that Travis was able to raise her after their parents died because of the money he made doing the mafia’s dirty work.

After wrecking the bedroom, she decided to try breaking down the door. That lock he installed didn’t seem too heavy-duty. It was worth a shot.

She backed up from the door as far as she could, which wasn’t much since the bed was on the opposite wall. Taking a deep breath, she ran full force at the door, throwing her whole body against it.

Nothing happened to the door. As for her, she bounced off the thing and landed in a heap on the floor, the breath knocked out of her lungs. Groaning, she gripped the dresser and slowly pulled herself to her feet. She thought the dramatic detective shows she’d watched in the past and the way that the heroic male main character always seemed to be able to kick a door in to get into someone’s house.

She considered it. Maybe if she wasn’t barefoot…

Even then, she knew that it was unlikely to work. She wasn’t strong enough. Her gaze returned to the window. Why did they have to be on the fifth floor? There was no way to get out like that.

The way she saw it, she had two other options. She could open the window and scream for help, or she could wait for Sam to return and look for an opportunity to get past him.

Lexi immediately discarded the idea of screaming for help. She got the feeling that Sam didn’t plan to hurt her, mostly because he would have already done it, but if she involved other people, that could change the situation. She wasn’t an idiot. Sam had to be in the mafia, and she knew all-too-well how much importance they put on secrets.

She didn’t want to make this situation worse for herself, so she was just going to have to wait it out. At least, she didn’t have to work today or tomorrow. If this went on longer than that, she’d have to reconsider her options.

Damn it, how had this day turned into a nightmare so quickly? When she first woke up, she was in a great mood. Her body was deliciously sore in all the right places, and she could smell coffee brewing. It was shaping up to be a good day until everything came tumbling down around her.

Stepping over a broken lamp, she got onto the bed, letting out a sigh. How long had Sam been gone? She wasn’t sure about the passing of time since she ripped the alarm clock out of the wall in her fit of rage, but it felt like he’d been gone a while.

She closed her eyes and groaned. It was driving her crazy to be trapped in this room. It was supposed to be her day off, and now it was wasted.

She chuckled at her own thoughts. It was probably a sign that she worked too much that she was concerned about such a thing in the middle of an abduction.

Dragging herself off the bed, she went into the bathroom to snoop around. She didn’t find anything in the medicine cabinet that told her anything interesting about Sam. No illicit drugs or anything like that.

She was about to come back into the bedroom when she heard the apartment door open. Sam was back. She hated the thrill of excitement that ran down her spine.

What the hell was wrong with her? She couldn’t be excited to see this man. That was too warped. Sure, she liked him before, but locking her in this room changed things.

He came straight to her, removing the padlock and opening the door. There was a familiar pink duffle bag in his hands, one that came from her closet.

“What the hell?” she asked as he placed it on the bed.

“The super unlocked your door this morning, so I grabbed a few things for you.”
