Page 41 of Temptation

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“Hey, Princess. You haven’t messaged me. Is all okay with you?”

“Has your brother left town? Can we meet?”

“Why the silent treatment?”

“Sheena, what the hell is going on?”

Sheena reread the messages that Rajiv had been sending her since the previous night. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to reply to them. Her brother had just left that morning, and she’d been sitting at home, worrying herself over Rajiv and what she’d learned about him, when Ananya had called, asking her to join her and her sisters for a girls’ night out. Sheena had agreed immediately. Hence, here she was, making her way inside Club Poseidon. The girls had just called her to say that they would be getting late. Apparently, there had been a massive accident on the road, and the traffic was jammed.

Sheena headed to the semi-circular bar next to the dance floor. She might as well get a drink while she waited for her new friends to come. She ordered a chilled glass of champagne. It arrived quickly, and she took a long fortifying sip. Bollinger was simply the best champagne in the world, and this vintage edition was smooth and luxurious to taste.

She smiled. If only Keya and Raashi could see her right now. They’d be so proud of her. She was sitting all by herself in a nightclub, sipping the best champagne money could buy, in a city far away from her home, waiting for her new friends to come. If they’d asked her two days ago if she was happy, then she would have screamed a loud resounding yes. But right now, her happiness was marred by her conflict over a man. She reread his messages again. God. She couldn’t ignore him forever. She would meet him at the office on Monday. What was she going to say to him then?

“Are you waiting for someone?” A deep voice jarred her out of her thoughts.

The man who’d spoken to her dropped into the stool next to her, his eyes dancing with mischief as he studied her.

She lifted a jaw. “Do I know you?”

“No, but I definitely know you, Sheena Sehgal.”

She rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Please don’t tell me you’re one of my brother’s friends. Has he sent you to keep an eye on me? How annoying! I told him not to. Or wait, are you friends with Ananya or her sisters? Have the girls asked you to keep me company till they come?”

The man laughed. “You talk a lot.”

“It’s one of my better qualities.”

She studied him. He was tall and fair, with sharp cheekbones and a slight stubble on his jaw. But his most attractive feature was his shoulder-length hair, which he had tied into a man bun. Very sexy.

“So, which one of the above are you?” she asked.

“One of them, for sure,” he replied.

She held a hand out. He took it in a firm grip.

“You know my name,” she said. “I obviously don’t know yours. Aren’t you going to tell me?”

“You can call me Vi.”

“Hmm. Just Vi?” she asked.

“For now, it’s just Vi.”

“You’re a mysterious one.”

“It’s one ofmybetter qualities,” he repeated her words, drawing a smile from her. “Now, will you allow me to keep you company till your friends arrive?”

He didn’t look dangerous at all. In fact, she had a strong feeling he knew either her brother or he was one of Rajiv’s sister’s friends.

“Alright, one drink,” she accepted. She was in a public space, and she felt safe, especially knowing that Club Poseidon belonged to Rajiv’s family. His sisters had told her so when they’d made the plan.

The man, Vi, smiled. He tipped his head to her champagne. “In that case, that’s not what we are drinking.” He turned to the bartender. “Two Jaeger shots, please.”

He arched a brow at her. “You game?”

“Why not?”

The shots were placed in front of them, and they clinked their glasses and downed it in one go. The jaeger was smooth and syrupy with a hint of anise and liquorice. She’d always preferred it to the tequila that Raashi and Keya indulged in.
