Page 40 of Temptation

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Goodness. Had she been that obvious?

“Sheena, I don’t like him around you,” Kabier declared in that disapproving tone of his, which always, always managed to get a reaction out of her. This time was no different because it made her ire swell, especially when he added. “You need to stay away from him.”

“Have you lost it?” she squeaked. “I work for him. Staying away is practically impossible.”

“Then quit and come work for Sehgal Group. God knows grandfather has been trying to get you to work in the family business for years and now that you’ve finally realized you can work at some place, come home where you belong. As it is, you’re not getting paid anything for working there. You’re just an intern.”

Now she was really mad. “You, of all people, know how much I have struggled with my insecurities and issues for years. I told you the last time we spoke, which was like two days ago, that I’m finally finding my feet, and I actually like it here. How dare you ask me to give it up just when I’ve found a sense of purpose in life again? So, no, I’m not quitting because you want it. I’ll leave only when I think it’s right for me.”

He kept quiet at her outburst for a few seconds, while she continued to bristle at his callousness. He ought to understand her. He had supported her; he’d been there for her when her world had crashed, and now… She couldn’t believe he’d think like that, much less say what he had. The thought of leaving Poseidon so soon, just when she had found her bearings again, made her stomach cramp. She felt it in her bones that being here was right for her. That she was finally healing in Dubai, away from all the judgement and backlash she’d faced in Mumbai.

Of course, working in an office environment was still new to her, but she was learning more and more as each day went by. Professor Shetty was a strict taskmaster, and he pushed her to do things out of her comfort zone. He insisted she sit with him for every single meeting he held with the Poseidon HR. Even when he held one-on-one counselling sessions with the employees, he asked her to take notes and then discussed those with her post the session. In fact, he was now contemplating that she conduct the follow-up sessions on her own. She still didn’t have the confidence to do so. But she’d wait and see how that panned out.

Like her grandfather had predicted, Dubai was definitely a good change for her. And now, her brother was asking her to leave. She wouldn’t do it. Not even for him. The silence between them seemed to stretch with every second that ticked.

“I’m sorry,” Kabier finally said softly. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. I am so proud of you for moving to another city and actually finding yourself again. You being happy means the world to me, Sheena. It’s just that I get the feeling that a lot of your happiness has got to do withhim.”

Her breath hitched. How could she deny that when it was the truth? It was because of Rajiv that she was happy. He had paved the way for her to have a peaceful transition in Dubai, without gossip being spread about her. That had made it easier for her to be better involved with her work at Poseidon. It felt like a safe, judgement free zone, thanks to him. Being with Rajiv, talking to him, and spending time with him had become the most important part of her day.

Rajivhad become important to her. But what they shared was too nascent, too new and as yet, undefined. She didn’t want to explain what she felt about him to her brother when she couldn’t clearly explain in words what she felt for him, even to herself.

So, she said, “He’s one of the few people I know over here. We hang out at times. There’s really nothing for you to worry about.”

“Rajiv Mehra is a playboy,” Kabier stressed, stopping at a signal. “He’s always seen with a different woman on his arm, and usually, that’s splashed all over the media.”

She hadn’t known that, and now a bitter taste was coating her mouth. Because…if what her brother said was true, then what the hell was Rajiv even doing with her? Fuck. She was such an idiot. Always jumping headlong into things without thinking through everything properly.

Kabier’s keen gaze latched on her. She dropped a cool mask on her face, ensuring she gave away nothing of what she was feeling.

“He’s not the kind who settles down, and you…” he continued. “You have the softest and kindest heart. I don’t want you to get hurt. So please, for my sake, just slow down on your friendship with him. I don’t trust him, not one bit.”

At her silence, Kabier said, “I’m worried about you. Shall I get one of my friends to keep a watch on you? I have a few here. Or I could get a bodyguard for you, just like we’re planning to get for Rhea and Shauna.”

“You’re joking, right?” Her eyes rounded. “God, please tell me you’re joking.”

He grimaced. “Rhea and Shauna are behaving wild and reckless in London. Sameer, Rishi, and I have considered getting them bodyguards to keep them in line and to keep a watch on them.”

Her jaw dropped. She was well aware that her cousins were a handful, but getting them bodyguards was simply a lot to take in.

“You guys are just too much,” she told her brother.

“We just want you girls to be safe, that’s all,” he said, his voice laced with worry. “And now I’m here, and I see you’re also behaving out of character. You’re out with a womanizer, someone I’d never expect you to be with. Just look him up, please.”

Understanding Kabier’s concern, she squeezed his arm. “You are the best, you know that?! But you don’t need to worry. I’ll be careful. Just promise me that you won’t have anyone tailing me.”

“I promise.”

She smiled. “Now, tell me what do you want to eat? I’ll order in, and you can catch me up on what is going on with Sameer, Rishi, and you. Bodyguards, seriously? Are the twins behaving that irresponsibly?”

She discussed dinner options with him and placed an order on the food delivery app, all the while chatting with him about their family. They reached her home soon after. And she spent the next few hours with her brother learning everything that was going on with him, his imminent move to Mumbai, and his future plans for Sehgal Group of Companies.

But late that night, when she was alone in her bed, she thought of what her brother was telling her about Rajiv. Too restless to sleep, she finally opened Google on her phone and began to search for Rajiv. And what she found…was shocking. Her brother was right. There were dozens of images of him with models, actresses, businesswomen, and news anchors. Fuck. Until a month ago, he was seen going out with a British heiress. And before that, a film actress. Her heart burned as she read through the articles on him and his wild, womanizing ways. She couldn’t relate to this frivolous, reckless, and blithe side of him at all. From all the time she’d spent with him, he’d come across as someone who was responsible, sensible, caring, and…and safe. She had felt safe with him; it was the only reason she’d allowed herself to get close to him.

Her stomach pitched. Old doubts assailed her once again. She’d been wrong about a man before, and it had landed her in so much heartache and trouble. What if she was wrong again?

She pressed a hand to her aching chest. She knew without a doubt that she’d never be able to recover if Rajiv hurt her. In a short time, he had started to become an integral part of her life. Being with him had felt natural, like it was meant to be. Like she and he had met in a previous life and had known one another since then. Very quickly, she had become so comfortable with him. But now…after seeing all this... She steeled her resolve. She had to put a break on whatever she was doing with Rajiv. That was the only way she could protect herself from getting hurt. She refused to be fooled by yet another beautiful face. She refused to be another notch on Rajiv Mehra’s bedpost.

