Page 83 of Temptation

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Rajiv looked heavenward. “Vihaan is an idiot. Like I explained, I kept asking Avantika to marry me out of a sense of responsibility and out of guilt. I thought that by marrying her, I’d be able to atone for my uncle’s sins and my own for not reaching out to them when I should have. However, she never agreed because we never felt that way for one another, and she understood my reasons for asking her. She never wanted that for me. And, to be honest, I never pushed because I realized today that she was never who I wanted.”

Sheena’s face fell. “Oh God. Did you ask her to marry you today also?”

He stared at his hands. “I couldn’t do it, Sheena. For the first time in years, my mouth couldn’t form the words to propose to her…because of you. Because I love you, and even saying those words to propose to another woman felt like I was betraying you, and I couldn’t do it.”

“I saw her smile and hug you. I thought… I thought that you…that you and her…”

He tugged Sheena to his chest. “You see, while I was sitting there, waiting to ask that question to her, my life flashed in front of my eyes. The life I had led before you and the one I began to lead after meeting you. For years, my only reason to live was my family, my work, and keeping the Rajpoots safe. I developed this fake persona of myself online of someone who was frivolous and carefree. A playboy. So, no one, especially not the Rajpoots’s enemies, if they ever suspected that the Rajpoots were alive, would think I was the one sheltering them. The models, the women, it was all fake and planted. And then I met you, and everything changed. I realized that true happiness meant being happy for yourself and not just others. You stormed into my life with your bold charm and your sharp mouth, and I felt more alive than ever. Seeing you fit in so perfectly with my family was, is, a joy like no other. I realized how incomplete I’d been without you, Sheena. I’d been living a life more for others than myself. But with you, I truly understood what it was to live. My soul was empty until it found its other half—you. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. In that moment, in front of Avantika, it was like an epiphany. I knew then that I wouldn’t be able to live without you, and so I told her to forgive me and to let me go to you. Do you know what she said?”


“She said, ‘You fool, I was waiting for you to come to your senses and finally see that you and I were never meant to be. You are meant to be with her. You’ve done enough for my family. You don’t owe my brothers and me anything. But you do owe it to yourself to be happy.’ I finally figured out how misplaced my guilt was. I was just about to leave her and come to you when I looked up and saw you standing with Aaryan and Vihaan.”

“I love you, Rajiv…” She held on tightly to him. “So much.”

He rested his chin on her head. “Last night, Avantika called when I was playing carrom with you and the girls. I was distracted and answered her call without seeing who it was. You see, I had been avoiding her call for months, ever since I had met you. She reminded me that it was her birthday, and she was asking if I’d be meeting her. In that moment, I was completely distraught. I couldn’t ask another woman to marry me while being with you. I realized I had to let you go because none of this was fair to you. I also knew that you would never leave me. So, the only thing I figured would make you leave me was if you saw pictures of me with someone else. I believed you needed to hate me in order to push me away, and hence, I planted those fake pictures. Even Ananya doesn’t know that I use my media department to plant fake news of myself.” He exhaled. “I’ve been such a fool, Sheena. I put my sense of responsibility ahead of you, and I am so sorry for that. It will never ever happen again. But you need to know that I was at home last night. I didn’t even step out.”

“Maybe this was what your sisters were trying to tell me when they called and texted me.” She pressed her lips to his. “I was so mad at you. But I wouldn’t believe the pictures just like that. I was waiting to talk to you, trying to get a hold of you, when I got a message from an unknown number.”

She related what had happened after.

Rajiv put her hand on his chest. “My heart still hurts when I recall you running away from the restaurant, thinking the worst of me. I had to get to you and tell you everything. It was time, especially after the twins revealed their names to you. They don’t do that easily.” Rajiv held her hand. “You can’t imagine how light I feel after sharing all this with you. I have carried the burden of this truth alone for so long. But now I feel so relieved that you know everything.”

“I promise you that I will keep this secret.”

“I know you will.”

“Can I ask more questions? I have so many.”

He smiled. “Of course you do.”

“Avantika’s son, Neil’s father?” she asked. “Who is he?”

Rajiv sighed. “The bitter truth is that Neil’s father is the man they’re all hiding from. He doesn’t know Neil exists. They dread what would happen if he ever learns the truth. That is why we all are so careful to hide their existence. Their lives are so fucking hard, but they don’t have a choice.”

Sheena nodded. “Thank you for confiding in me. But why didn’t you tell me earlier? You know I’d never break your trust.”

“I know that,” he clasped her cheeks, “But it wasn’t my secret to tell. Aaryan and Vihaan realized that I was in love with you long before I had even acknowledged it to myself. My sending out those pictures with the model the night before Avantika’s birthday was an indication to them that I was going to break up with you, and they weren’t going to allow that. That’s why they got you to the restaurant today. They wanted me to know that I could tell you everything about them and that they were okay with bringing you into our fold. That they trusted you to keep them safe as well.”

“Then I need to thank them for trusting me.”

“They want to meet you. Are you okay with doing that?”

She nodded. “I’d love to meet them.”

“I will take you to meet them. But first, I need to make you mine again. I haven’t slept the whole of last night, thinking I had to let go of you.”

“Don’t ever keep me out again. I don’t want to ever feel what I felt when I saw those pictures of you with that model and then when I saw you with Avantika. You are mine. Only mine. I won’t share you with anyone ever.”

“You will never need to do that. I promise.” Rising, he lifted her in his arms. She kissed his lips, clinging to him as she always did. He dropped her on the bed and climbed atop her, his heart finally at peace.


It was evening by the time they left the house and were on their way to meet his friends.

“I messaged your sisters,” Sheena said. “They’ve been calling and texting since the pictures of you and the model came out. Apparently, Navya saw you in the kitchen at one in the morning. I assured them that you and I are fine and we don’t have a misunderstanding.”

He smiled at her, the relief of hearing those words visible in his eyes as he parked his Merc SUV on the side of the road. “Ready?”
