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“What are you going to do tonight?” Thoughts of Lily and Claire both trying to flirt their way into his bed tonight come into my brain before I can stop them and when I hear him chuckle, I realize I’m staring off into space with a scowl on my face.

He rubs his thumb over his lip. “Not whatever you’re thinking.”

“I…” I try to come up with a lie and fail. “I just know that there’s a lot of trouble that two guys can get into in Miami. Something tells me Chris won’t let you stay in tonight. He might want to get together with Claire and her friend.” I scrunch my nose and try to ignore the annoyance flowing through me.

“I wouldn’t do that and Chris wouldn’t suggest it. There’s also not a lot of trouble a guy will get into when he’s committed to one woman.” He frowns. “I’m sorry you don’t have a lot of experience with a man like that.”

Are you surprised by this? He basically told you he was ready to knock you up. Do you really think he’d go fucking random girls on a work trip that you’re also on?

He wouldn’t even if you weren’t here,my subconscious immediately perks up.

“You’re really kind of amazing, you know that?”

“I know.” He smiles.

“Ugh.” I scoff, but a smile pulls at my lips “You had to ruin it.” There’s a knock on the door and I look at it somewhat woefully before turning back to the phone. “That’s Marissa. I have to go.”

He nods. “Have fun. Not too much.”

“If you’re just going to be sexting her all night, why didn’t you just stay in with her?” Chris says from next to me where we’re seated at the hotel bar. We’d contemplated going out but after Chris realized I wasn’t serving as any kind of wingman for him tonight, we decided not to go far.

I look up from the sexy text from Raegan about how much she wants to run her tongue over my piercings when she sees me later and I turn towards Chris. “Because this is what they do on these trips, I don’t want her to feel alienated from her coworkers.”

“Even the one that wants to sleep with her?” He asks without pulling his eyes from the television that’s showing highlights from a game from earlier.

“She doesn’t want him.” While I admit the thought of Liam trying to flirt with her all night doesn’t sit particularly well with me, I trust her.Not to mention, she barely even wanted to go.

“Well, look at you. I can remember a time that it would have driven you crazy knowing some guy was hitting on your girl. Look who’s grown up,” He jokes and I cringe thinking about the jealous asshole I used to be and while it can flare up from time to time, I really have to be triggered.

“I definitely had a jealous problem, but I think I also dated women that exploited that. They got off on me being jealous so they did things they knew would bother me.” I pull the whiskey to my lips, thinking about how different Raegan is. “Raegan isn’t like that. She’s just so…genuine.”

“You sure you’re not just a little bit enamored with her? You know the thrill of something new and exciting and forbidden? Young girl, she works for you, she’s also a little obsessed with you. You’re old enough to be her father?” He waves his hand to say et cetera. “You guys are like a walking psych study.”

“You would know, you took it twice.”

“There’s a special place in hell for people who put mandatory classes at eight a.m. on Fridays.” He groans. “But, Wes, I’m serious, and also, I thought you just wanted to fuck her. You’re acting like this is more than that.” He drains the contents of his glass.

“It is more than that.”

He scratches his jaw before running a hand through his hair. “It’s been a week.”

“Okay? When you know, you know.”

He sighs and waves over the bartender to order us both another drink. “Okay and what exactly do you know?”

“That being with her feels good and I want to continue whatever this is.”I stare down at a picture of her that I’d taken while she was cuddled against me in bed. I wish like hell I was there with her now.

“And you’re going to deal with HR?”


“Before you get caught, Wes,” he says in a warning tone.

“I know.”

“That means stop feeling her up at the office until you do. There’s also a very big chance that she won’t be allowed to be your assistant once you tell them and that’s if they don’t push to let her go.”

“I’m not going to let them fire her.”
