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“I’m also concerned about what they’re going to do to you.”

“They’re not going to move to fireme.”

“Probably not, but we have a board for a reason and they may make your life difficult for a while.”

“I’ll handle it.”

I expect more pushback but when I look at him, he’s looking down at his phone and then he looks at me with a smug grin. “So, maybe we should just go over there.”

“Go over where?”

“Where your girl and the rest of the team is,” he says waving a hand towards the bartender and signaling for the check.

“Why would we do that?”

“Because I was invited.” He shrugs and I wonder who in the hell he’s friends with enough to be invited to hang out with them.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, who are you sleeping with?”

“No one,” he says as he gives the bartender his credit card. “I’m fun unlike you, so I’m invited sometimes when they go out.”

“And you rarely go. Why now?”

“Maybe I want my buddy to be able to hang out with his girl.” He slings an arm around my neck.

I move out of his grasp and shoot him a look. “It’s not like I can touch her. Try again.”

“Fine.” He rolls his eyes. “I may be engaging in a mild flirtation with Miss Collins.”

I groan. “Of course, you are. Do not sleep with her.”

“Why not? She’s insanely hot and she is one of the few people that you have screamed at that hasn’t quit. I like that.” He signs the receipt.“But don’t do that shit again.”

“Because I don’t want you to slip up and tell her about me and Raegan,”I tell him, ignoring the part about reprimanding her.

He snorts as he gets up and begins walking away like he’s already decided we’re going. “She’s friends with Raegan, you don’t think she already knows?”

“No, I told Raegan she couldn’t tell anyone.”

“Hardly seems fair; you told me.”

“Because who are you going to tell? I don’t know Marissa well enough to not go telling my business to the whole company.”

We make it to the lobby and Chris crosses his arms.“You’re being kind of annoying and it’s killing my buzz. I’m going. Are you coming or not?”

Obviously, I go because despite the fact that I can’t touch her, I can see her.

I don’t tell her I’m coming and when we get to the club and the table in the private area. I take a moment to drink her in before we get to the table. She’s sitting between Marissa and another girl on one side of a U-shaped booth, her head tilted back in laughter and she looks so fucking gorgeous I can’t take my eyes off of her. Her top ties around her neck, highlighting the slope and making me want to run my tongue along the skin. A nudge from Chris breaks my stare and we walk the remaining steps to the table.

“Funny seeing you all here,” Chris says and a few of the drunker people cheer. A few even clap as they begin pouring us drinks from the bottle of vodka in the center of the table. Marissa shakes her head as she tries to hide her smile behind her hand and when my eyes land on Raegan she shifts in her seat and avoids my gaze. “Mind if we join you?” he asks, and Brandon, one of the guys on the fast track for a promotion, stands up to grab a chair from an adjacent table for me to sit while Chris squeezes between Marissa and a guy from the tech department. I nod at Brandon who is definitely a bit of a kiss-ass, but he is good at his job.

I can tell the entire team isn’t here, making me wonder if some people didn’t come or if they’re somewhere else in the club and I have to say I’m grateful I don’t see Liam anywhere. I slide the chair on the side closest to Raegan and her eyes finally meet mine.

“I thought you don’t usually come out with the team?” She asks, leaning over the girl that’s seated between us due to the volume of the club.

“I guess Chris was invited. I tagged along just to make sure everyone was behaving themselves.” I run my gaze over her and her eyes widen before she pans the group and I can see the relief on her face when she realizes no one is paying attention.

The girl between us, Beth, a married woman, who from what I’ve observed doesn’t act quite so married on these trips, taps Raegan’s leg. “I’m going to see what’s taking Liam so long with the bottle of tequila.” She’s up and out of the area within seconds and I take her seat without hesitation, putting me right next to Raegan. She turns to me and raises an eyebrow.
