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“Have you enjoyed your time in Miami so far?” she asks. Marissa is sitting next to her but she’s not paying attention at all. In fact, no one is.

“As a matter of fact, I am. Time of my life,” I tell her and I hope she reads between the lines that I’m referring to the time I’ve spent with her over the last day and a half.

It seems she does because that delicious pink I love, coats her cheeks and she turns to the center where all the drinks are. “Do you want a drink?”

“Vodka’s my only option?” I chuckle. I rarely drink vodka, having spent the better part of my twenties drinking it like it was water.

She leans over and picks up a bottle of Jameson and I shake my head at that as well. She giggles. “Are you a whiskey snob?”

“Maybe a little.” She laughs and it makes my heart beat a little faster that I amuse her even when she’s trying to not be affected by me.

“I love your laugh,” I tell her, my voice low and I’m grateful that no one is paying attention to us. It’s as if we are in our own little world, and though she’s not looking at me, I can tell she wishes she was. She spins the ring that she wears on her middle finger and lets out a sigh.


I don’t even try to stop the smile from pulling at my lips hearing my name fall from hers. “Yes, honey?”

Goosebumps pop up all over her arms and when she pulls her drink to her lips, I think she’s about to say something when Beth and Liam return to the table.

“Who wants a shot?!” Beth squeals.

Liam’s eyes immediately go to Raegan and then flit to me, and I can sense that he’s annoyed at seeing her next to me.

“Didn’t realize you guys were coming out tonight?” he asks me before he turns his eyes to Chris.

Chris, who has no patience for any passive-aggressive bullshit ever, chuckles. “I’m sorry, aren’t you all using the company card to pay for all of this?” He spins his finger in a circle. “Why wouldn’t we be here? He’s paying for it.” He points at me and I can hear the giggle from a few of the girls including Marissa. “We can’t have fun too?”

Liam gives what looks like a fake smile before sitting down across from me and Raegan though his eyes are still fixed on her.

“So, who wants a shot?” Beth repeats as she claps her hands. She opens the bottle and begins pouring multiple shots before looking at me. “Mr. Beckham, you have to take a shot with us!”

“One.” I hold up a finger.

“You drink tequila?” Raegan asks with a giggle. “And I’m just now learning this?” She says it low enough for only me to hear, careful not to alert everyone that she’s saying something only to me.


“Hmmm,” she says. “Does it make your clothes fall off?” She asks just as Beth hands me a shot, although I think she’s too drunk to catch what Raegan said. I look at Raegan from over the tops of my glasses and she beams up at me like there’s no one else in the room. I want to tell her thatshemakes my clothes fall off better than any alcohol ever has.

The group of us take the shot and I’m hyper-aware of how Raegan licked the salt from her hand just before she downed her shot making me wish we were alone so I could have licked the salt off ofher.Fuck, I want to get her out of here and back to our room.

I don’t know how much time goes by where Raegan and I are seated next to each other but not saying anything to each other. I don’t miss the way her hand drags against my thigh every few minutes,accidentally.There are even more times that her arm bumps against mine and another time that she turned her back completely to me to talk to Marissa where her ass rested against my thigh. Her top is backlessagain,and I try to keep my gaze off of the toned, bare skin.

It’s almost as if she wants to make sure she’s always touching me even when we aren’t talking or even looking at each other. Like she wants to touch me even when she can’t.

About an hour later, I pull out my phone preparing to text her that I’m planning to make my exit and maybe she should join me when Liam stands up, his dark eyes staring at Raegan.

“We’re out of vodka, I’m going to get another bottle. Rae, you want to come with me?”

I can feel Raegan, who’s mid-conversation with Marissa, stiffen next to me and turn her gaze up to Liam who’s looking down at her, and I absolutely fucking hate that he’s trying to use some bullshit psychological power dynamic on her right now.

“What, you need help?” Chris jokes, and a few of the people laugh with him becauseagain, kiss asses.

“No.” He chuckles. “I just wanted to chat for a minute,” he says and I realize that he’s a bit drunk and based on what I know about Raegan, she is not.

“Sure, yeah.” She smiles before getting up and I miss the feeling of her pressed up against me.

The second she’s gone, I’m instantly irritated because why the fuck am I here? I never go out with my team and now I’m here forced to witness some asshole hit on her when I know she’s not interested. If I were back at the hotel, I’d be none the wiser to any of this until she got back to my room and told me.I know she would tell me everything, I’m not worried about her keeping anything from me. But now I’m here and have to watch it?
