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I could easily text her and have her meet me in a bathroom or a dark corner of the bar, but it’s risky and there are multiple people here that could catch us. Neither one of us is ready to go public at this very moment and I’m not about to get us caught because I’m jealous over some guy I know she doesn’t want. And yet, I flex my fist trying to temper the urge to hit him in the face.

I don’t want him, Wes.I can practically hear her voice.

“I love Liam to death, but can he give it a rest?” I hear Marissa say just before she tips back another shot. “She’s not interested,” she sings and Chris looks at me from across the table with a look as if to say,you hear that? Relax.

But I can’t. Raegan is fucking uncomfortable, and hell, so am I. I look out into the main area and spot her immediately at the bar. I can’t make out her body language or her facial expressions but he’s standing far too close to her for my liking.

“I think I’m going to head out,” I announce to everyone, most of whom are too intoxicated to care. Still, I hear an, “Awwww no!”And a few variations of, “Damn, already?”

Marissa turns away from Chris to look at me. “Now?”

“Yeah, I have some work to do, and I want to get up early but you guys have fun.” I stand and make my way out of the section. I do my best to avoid the bar area because I don’t want to get Raegan’s attention even though I want nothing more than to stake my claim in front of that asshole. But we decided to wait a month and I care more about telling HR first before exploding all over some asshole that works for me and letting him use that shit against me out of spite over the fact that Raegan chose me over him.

I make it outside and let out a breath, already feeling better being out of that club despite the irritation still in my veins over Liam hitting on my girl.

They were just talking. She doesn’t want him.

I take a step towards the valet when I hear a voice behind me. “You were just going to leave without saying goodbye?” I turn around and see Raegan by herself, her arms crossed over her chest, and one eyebrow raised, her face laced with irritation. “To me?”

“Baby—” I start and she shakes her head.

“Nope, you can’t sweet talk your way out of this. You were just going to leave?” She takes a step closer to me and gives me those eyes that make me want to drop to my knees and give her whatever she wants. “I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t have a reason to say no,” she says, referring to Liam.

“I know.”

“Please don’t be upset with me.”

I shake my head. “I’m not.”

“Then why are you leaving?”

“Because I can’t claim you here and it’s making me crazy and unless you want me to shoot our plan to hell, I need to leave. I can’t watch some guy flirt with you like you don’t belong to me.” I take a step towards her so I’m right against her. “And make no mistake, Raegan, you do belong to me.” I reach between us and cup her between her legs gently and she gasps, her eyes flitting around us before falling back on me. “This belongs to me.” She’s wearing a pair of pants that make her ass look so fucking amazing, but at this moment, I wish she were in a skirt or a dress for me to move her panties to the side and sink my fingers inside of her.

“I know I do. I told him I have a boyfriend.”

My hand slides away from between her legs as I stare at her in somewhat shock. “You did?”

She tilts her head to the side. “Well…don’t I?” She shrugs and looks around us before looking up at me. “I mean you did say you wanted to have a baby with me eventually, so I took that to mean you’re kind of my boyfriend,” she says with a hint of sarcasm.

I smile at her, a little at a loss for words at the idea of her calling me that. “I’m going to get a car and I’m going to wait until you’re ready to leave. You should probably wait thirty or so minutes so we’re not leaving at the same time.”

She nods. “You’ll wait for me?”

I cup her face and brush my lips gently over hers for the first time since this morning. “Of course, I don’t want you trying to get back to the hotel by yourself.”

She nods and gives me a smile before she disappears back into the bar.

“Boyfriend?!” Marissa grabs my arm and pulls me away from the table before I even make it back there. “Wh—what? Did you just make that up to get him to back off? Tell me fast. Or do I need to corroborate this story? I haven’t answered Liam’s text yet.” She brings a glass filled with a clear liquid to her lips, but I pull it away from her mouth and towards my nose to smell it hoping it’s water because she’s drunk quite a bit tonight.

“Marissa, maybe you should slow down. You’re going to be hungover tomorrow.” She’s wearing a gold strapless dress that practically makes her brown skin glow against it, a fact that Christopher Holt must also notice because his eyes haven’t left her once all night. “Are you going to sleep with Chris?”

She turns her eyes towards the table and then back to me. “I don’t know. Maybe.” She puts her hands over her eyes and then groans. “Okay, I’m going to tell you something but don’t freak out.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “Oh God, what?”

“I’ve slept with him before.”

