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She puts a hand up. “Before I worked here!”

“Wow, oh my god.” I’m grateful I’m more sober which allows me to do some basic math easily. “Wait. You’ve worked here three years and wasn’t his divorce justrecentlyfinalized?”

“I didn’t know.” She huffs. “Which is why I shouldn’t sleep with him again. I’m still pissed about it if I’m being honest. I met him at a wedding. His childhood best friend was marrying my college roommate and we were both in the wedding blah blah blah. I get a little slutty at weddings, I don’t want to talk about it,” she says with an eye roll. “His wife wasnotthere and I don’t remember seeing a ring, but I was very drunk. Nevertheless, he obviously did not tell me that.”

“Okay, so…how did that lead to you working here?”

“Coincidence? Karma?” She snorts. “I don’t know. I got the job before I even realized he worked here. I slept with a married man; he didn’t exactly give me his credentials.” She scoffs. “It makes me cringe to think about. I am a girl’s girl!”

“I know.” I rub her arm.

“Please don’t think less of me.”

“I don’t!”

“Okay, good. That’s why I never told youor anyonethat works here. I felt so ashamed after I found out. Imagine running into the guy who was the best sex of your life on your first day of work only to find out he’s your married boss.” She sighs. “Then Beckham screamed at me. Told you my day sucked.” She winces as she explains the full scope of the story of her first day for the first time.

“Well, he’s single now and obviously very into you.” I nod towards him. “Maybe you can have the best sex of your life again.”

“I don’t want to condone that type of behavior!”

“Then why did you invite him here?” I say giving her a look.

“To toy with him, I guess.” She shrugs. “I look like this!” she says as she waves her hand down her body.

I snort and shake my head. “Fair.”

“Okay enough about me. Boyfriend?”

“Okay. Since we are trading secrets…”

“Oh my God!!” She cheers and points at me. “I knew it. I knew it, knew it, knew it!” She taps my nose three times each time she says it. “He’s so down bad for you. I knew I wasn’t crazy.” She slaps my arm. “How could you not tell me?! Since when?”

“Umm, the holiday party?” I answer weakly.

Her mouth drops open. “I die! Of course. Oh my God. I need to know everything.”

I chuckle and put a hand over my eyes. “Please don’t tell anyone.” I’m hoping since she shared something she didn’t want getting out, she’ll keep my secret too.

“I swear! Wait, does Chris know?”

“Yes, but only him.”

“I love this so much. I knew I was right!” She takes another sip. “Well go, what are you still doing here? Didn’t he leave?”

“He’s outside waiting for me, but he didn’t think we should leave at the same time.”

“Oh, who cares? Everyone’s drunk.” She waves me off. “But if you want, we can go by the table for you to say goodbye.” We start walking away from the crowded dance floor and towards our table when she stops again. “Wait! How is it?” I give her a look not understanding what she means and she groans in frustration. “The sex, Rae!”

“Oh! It’s…” I bite my bottom lip thinking about how to describe what Wes Beckham is like in bed. “Unreal.”

“Ugh, love that for you. He seems like he’d be good in bed even if he is a grumpy asshole half the time.”

After saying goodbye, I’m back outside and moving towards the car Wes is waiting in when I feel a hand on my arm and a gentle tug. “Rae.”

I turn around and I’m faced with Liamagain.

This guy cannot take a hint.He wasn’t at the table when I left, so maybe he just wants to say goodbye?

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