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"You are."

"You totally are."

Don't you just love it when siblings think they know you better than you know yourself?

"You guys don't know that."

Harrick rolls his eyes and pats my shoulder. "Trust us, we do."

Branum places his hand on my other shoulder. "But don't take our word for it, dear brother. This isn't something we, or anyone, can convince you of. You're going to have to figure this one out on your own."

"Well, shit."

* * *

"You okay, Marsh? You've been quiet all night."

Tal and I are back at my place after dinner. "I'm fine," I reply as we head down the hallway.

He sticks his hand out in front of my chest, forcing me to stop walking. He takes a step toward me. I back up against the wall.

"Talk to me," he says.

I nod and take a breath. I said I would after all, that I wouldn't play games or string him along.

"I told my brothers we had sex."

"Was it when you were cleaning up after dinner?"

My eyes narrow. "It was. How did you know?"

"Would explain why Branum randomly high-fived me when he came into the den."

"I'm going to kill him."

"Don't." Tal smiles. "Only murder people not on TeamTal."

That makes me chuckle. "For the record, I'm on TeamTal, too."

"Try saying that five times."

I chuckle some more, then look down at the wooden floor. "Is it wrong that I'm confused?"

"Why would that be wrong?"

"Because isn't love meant to be this instant thing? When you know, you know."

I glance up, expecting to see hurt on Tal's face. But he's smiling. "Love isn't meant to be anything. It can unfold in a million different ways. I dropped a big bomb on you. Whatever you're feeling about it now, tomorrow, in ten years' time, is okay."

"Why now? Why tell me now?"

"Because I've only now, finally, put the pieces together. I've been reflecting on my life, and my feelings for you were part of a bigger discovery."

"Care to tell me more?"

"I can. But as much as I love what you've done with the hallway, maybe we could talk in bed?"

I grin. "That sounds perfect."
