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I missed him as soon as I shut my front door, and right there and then, I knew.

I knew without a shadow of a doubt.

I love Tal, too.

Not friendship love.

Not platonic,we've known each other for two decadeslove.

But real, soul-level,want to be with you for the rest of my lifelove.

I called in sick to work and have spent the past seven days camped out on my sofa, feeling sorry for myself. Why the fuck couldn't I have figured this out while he was still here? What am I supposed to do now? He's finished doing whatever he was doing in Palm Springs and is now tying up some loose ends before flying back to Australia.

Fucking Australia. Might as well be frigging Mars, it's far enough away.

We've been texting each other like we normally do, but it's all been very vague and general, neither one of us daring to venture into corner time.

I look at the time on my watch. "Fuck," I grumble.

"Open up, Marsh!"

"We know you're in there!"

There's a loud banging on my door.

I shake my head in disbelief. Those devious, devious bastards. My brothers knew that if they came around, I'd have no problem telling them to fuck off and leave me in peace.

So what do they do? They send in their partners, knowing full well I'd never speak to them like that.

"Marsh! Let us in!Pleeease."

"We come in peaceā€¦and with carbs!"

"Also, we have a spare key, so if you're naked and gross, please get unnaked and ungross, because we're coming in one way or another."

Well, shit. There goes my plan to say nothing and just ignore them until they leave.

"Fine, I'm coming," I yell out, getting my ass off the sofa and over to the front door.

I swing it open and am met with two shocked faces.

"This is worse than we feared," Eddie says to PJ.

PJ shakes his head, his curly red hair bouncing around. "Much worse." He sticks his face out and sniffs. "Okay, sothat'swhere the smell is coming from."

"Hey." I wrap my bathrobe tighter around my middle. "I've showered."

"This week?" Eddie asks, before brushing past me. PJ follows close on his heels.

"By all means, come on in," I say to myself since they're both already in my living room, sorting through half-empty food containers, bottles of Diet Coke, and whatever other mess I've been festering in.

"He's been eating," PJ says to Eddie like I'm not standing less than four feet away from him. "So that's good."

"Yep. And no booze, so he hasn't gone down that path." Eddie agrees with a firm nod and then turns to face me. "We bought you pancakes." He lifts up a brown Pancake Pantry bag.

"There should be a few still in there," PJ says with a shy smile. "Branum was kinda hungry on the way over and might have had a few."

"Didn't he place his own order?" Eddie asks.
