Page 84 of The Nanny

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The zoo?”

I refuse to be distracted by Aiden in his element, his arms crossed over his chef coat and his apron stained with bits of something or another as the rest of his staff works diligently behind him.

“She’ll love it,” I urge. “And my lab partner is going to bring her niece, so it will be a great chance for Sophie to get to know someone her own age.”

“Don’t let her hear you scheming like that,” he warns, leaning to peek into his office, where Sophie is still playing on her Switch at his desk. “I mean, I’m fine with it, but are you sure you want to? That’s going to make for a long day.”

“Of course! It’s going to be so fun. Especially for Sophie. Has she ever been?”

“Maybe once when she was smaller...” He rubs the back of his neck. “We haven’t gotten a chance since... well.”

“I get it.” I reach unconsciously for him, my fingers tripping over the edge of his apron at his waist before I remember where we are. I draw my hand back, clearing my throat. “You could always come with us. Play hooky?”

Aiden laughs, looking back at the flurry of activity behind him. “I think they might stick me in the oven if I tried it.”

“Just a thought.”

There’s a hint of a smile at his mouth when he turns back tome, and his eyes are warmer, making my stomach flutter. “Trust me, that’s where I’d rather be.”

“Well, I’ll send lots of pictures, at least.”

“Perfect. Text me a reminder in a bit, and when I have a break, I’ll order the tickets.”

“Oh, no, I can—”

“I’m getting them,” he says bluntly, leaving no room for argument.

My lips twitch. “Well, yes, sir.”

“We should probably add that to the list of phrases you can’t say to me in public.”

I raise an eyebrow, lowering my voice. “You’re becoming a regular pervert, aren’t you?”

“I think you just bring it out of me,” he chuckles.

The fluttering in my stomach is worse now, because I’m not just thinking of this last week together—I’m thinking of all the times he’s been even filthier than this in the dark of my room, where I couldn’t see his face. I have to suppress a shiver, trying to stow those thoughts away and focusing on Sophie instead.

“I’ll go tell her the news,” I say.

Aiden laughs again. “Just make sure you don’t let her know that it’s a playdate. She’s liable to kick you in the shins.”

“She would never,” I protest. “She loves me.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

I roll my eyes as I stride past the kitchen toward the office on the other side, giving the doorframe a knock as I peek my head around it. “Hey, Soph. Got any plans tomorrow?”

“It’s Sunday,” she says with a frown. “And I’m ten.”

“What do you say to us having a little adventure?”

She tries her best not to looktooexcited, her Switch lowering to her lap as she gives her best impression of nonchalant.

“What kind of adventure?”

“I still can’t believe you watched that last video at work,” I laugh.

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